Part 4

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"Right students today we will be travelling to Hogsmeade for the day. Years three to five must go around in groups of four or more. Please behave yourselves and meet us promptly back at the carriages at six" Professor McGonagal commanded.

Harry , Ron , Luna and I all pilled into a carriage Ron sat next to Luna and I sat opposite his next to Harry.

Ron wrapped his arm around Luna pulling her gently towards him.

"So I take it you said yes" I concluded.

"If your talking about the ball then yes I did" Luna replied looking towards Ron.

"We have to get ready together Hermione" she added excitedly.

"Oh Luna nobody's asked me I might not be going"

"Guys we're here" Harry said looking eagerly out the window. Ron and Luna got out and then Harry he opened the door for me and took my hand helping me down.

"Thanks" I said gratefully.

"Your welcome I know how bad you are with ice"  I laughed rolling my eyes.

We went in to Honeydukes first Ron brought some glacial snow flakes for Luna,  Harry brought a box of Bertie Botts every flavour beans and I brought two chocolate frogs.

As we walked out Ron said "Uh bloody hell I think I've got earwax again!"

"Oh I think I have Blibbering Humdinger blood." Luna said puzzled.

"Uh Luna I don't think thats a flavour" Harry said confused.

"Sure it is Harry you've just got to use your imagination" she said smiling.

"Should we go to the pub?" Ron asked.

"Yeah that sounds good which one though?" Harry asked

"Not the hogs head the butterbeer always tastes dusty there." I said

Ron smiled and said happily "The Three Broomsticks it is then"

The fire raged in the corner lighting the room with warm colours. We sat at the table closest to the fire heating our frozen fingers.

"Right so I'll go order. The usual?" Ron asked

"Yes please" I answered as Harry nodded.

" I'm ok thank you Ronald the gnome saliva I took at the castle means I'm not thirsty." Luna mentioned

"Okay um cool I'll go get the butterbeer" Ron said

"You look nervous Harry" Luna said eyeing him carefully. Something twisted and writhed in my stomach it tasted sour. I pushed it down, ignoring it.

"I'm not nervous I'm just hungry, yeah I could really do with some food right now" Harry answered looking even more nervous.

Ron walked over balancing three glasses of butterbeer and some interesting looking muggle food. He set the beers down on the table with a clunk the cream spilling out of the top.

He was grinning widely when he said "hey guys look what I found and chucked the packet of muggle food down.

"What's that?" Luna asked looking at me and Harry.

"It's pork scratchings!" I said astonished that she didn't know what it was.

"Oh wait is that when they get sausages and wrap them in bacon?" Ron asked proudly

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