Part 2

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Harry was laying lifeless in Hagrid's arms his eyes wide and staring. I ran to him shaking him hard, screaming his name, tears streaming down my face. I looked around and suddenly everyone I care about was standing behind me their faces blank.

"Help him!" I yelled my voice breaking. They just stood there. Suddenly one by one they dropped to the floor. I knew instantly that they were dead. My mum, my dad, Ron, Lupin, Tonks, Dumbledore, Hagrid , Ginny , Luna , George, Fred the list was endless as they dropped dead like flies in front of me.

Then I heard a coughing from beside me I looked down and saw Harry he had blood running from his nose, mouth and ears. He looked at me with hate in his eyes and snarled " You did this Hermione you couldn't save us. You killed me. You killed all of us."

I woke up screaming.

"Hermione what's wrong are you alright I was trying to wake you up" Harry explained worry written clearly across his face. I flinched away from him tears spilling over my eyes. I was sat in one of the beds in the infirmary.

"Hey don't worry it's just me nothing bad is going to happen" he said as I looked away trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed, he inched closer to me his arm carefully looping around my waist.

"Sorry for what?" Harry asked

"I killed them"


"Tonks and Lupin and Hagrid and Mum and Dad and..." I chocked

"You didn't kill them , Hagrid and your parents are still alive and Tonks and Lupin you didn't do that" he comforted.

"I killed you too" I weeped "I'm so sorry Harry I couldn't save anybody. Even you." This was just some sick joke Harry Potter died in the war.

"I'm here. Right here I'm not going anywhere" he said brushing a loose strand of hair back behind my ear his knuckles touching my cheeks and my lips. I leaned into his touch my eyes fluttering shut.

I opened my eyes realising what I was doing "I'm sorry I freaked out you don't have to stay I'll be fine I'm sorry you can go" I said embarrassed my cheeks flaming.

"No I want to stay" he confirmed

I looked up at him sheepishly a smile playing on his lips.
"Oh your heads bleeding again lie back down , I'll go and get Madame Pomfrey" he said laying a hand on my back and lowering me onto the bed.

"Thank you Harry" I croaked my voice still betraying me after crying.

"It's all good I'm just glad your ok , you worried me for a while" he confessed

"Sorry" I whispered back.
A shorter chapter this time please comment

Nev xxx
P.s sorry about the angst oh and the cringe :)

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