Part 6

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I woke up to a constant tapping on my shoulder.
"Hermione! Hermione! Wake up!" Ginny shook me awake.

"Ginny what's wrong?" I asked surprised.

"Wrong nothings wrong! Guess who asked me to the dance?"



"Aw you two will have so much fun together" I said as my heart sank slightly I was really starting to except that I wasn't going to be invited.

"Don't get too down in the dumps because look what someone sent you" she handed me a folded piece of paper.

It said:

Dear Hermione,

Please meet me at 6 o clock in the south wing tower.

Hope to see you there
From me x

"It totally someone who is going to ask you to the ball!"

"Yeah or it's a prank"

She huffed "you should still go"

"I think I will"


The day went slowly and I was starting to lose patience. I finally collected my books up and shoved them into my bag, our last lesson over.

"I'll see you later" Luna said smiling.

"Ok bye"

I hurried to the south wing as quickly as I could 6 o clock fast approaching. As I climbed the many steps to the top of the tower hundreds of questions flooded   my mind.

"Who is it?"
"Are they going to ask me to the ball?"
"Do I want to go to the ball?"
"Is this a prank?"
"Maybe I should turn back?"

Stop it hermione I thought it's better to be curious and find out who is at the top then unknowingly miss out on something special.

I stopped at the last step took a deep breath and turned the corner into the south wing tower room. Stood there was Harry Potter my best friend for over 6 years.


"Hi mione" he smiled "you got my note then"

"Yes why did you want to..." I started

"Would you...would you  like to go to the ball with me?" He said slowly making eye contact.

I looked him straight in the eyes "I'd love to"

He smiled.

So Hermione is finally going to the winter ball and she's going with Harry! A bit predictable I know but I'm a sucker for a cliche romance :)

Nev xxx

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