Part 10

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Harry's pov

"GET OUT!" I shouted at her.

Her face fell as she ran out of the room. I swear she was crying. What am I doing I thought in despair I just shouted at my best friend. And why because she doesn't feel the same way as I do. I have to go and apologise.

I quickly walked out of the class room searching for Hermione she can't have gone far she only left about a minute ago.

Just then something on the ground caught my eye. I bent down and picked it up it was one of Hermione's earrings. I knew instantly that something bad had happened.

Hermione's pov

My muscles were aching and my head was throbbing. As I tried to open my heavy eyelids.

The room I was in was a dark box with nothing in it but a table. I looked up to see that my wrists were manacled to the wall holding me up, my feet only just touching the ground.

I took in a shuddering breath as I tried to think logically. Ok I thought do I have my wand?

"Accio wand" I whispered reaching with my mind to find my wand.

"Accio wand" I tried again louder this time.

"Oh my dear" A voice came from the shadows "your silly little spells aren't going to work in here I made sure especially"

"Who are you?" I shouted trying to keep my voice even. I was never going to show my fear.

"You know who I am" the voice said as a tall man stepped out of the shadows.

"Antonin Dolohov" I gasped his face becoming clear.

"Oh you remember me do you? Aren't you a clever girl" he smirked. Running his hand down my cheek.

"Get off" I growled staring him down.

"Feisty as well" he said bringing his hand away smiling.

"We will soon sort that out. Should we have some fun now?" He asked as he brought out a small knife from his pocket. "I thought we'd do it without magic first you know ease you into it"

Harry's pov

We ran around the castle for the third time that night. It had been almost two hours since we last saw Hermione and I was starting to worry.

"You know what Harry she's probably just reading her book somewhere let's go to bed and if she's not here tomorrow then we take it to McGonagal" Ron said

"Yeah ok I guess so" I replied reluctantly.

"Come on then mate let's get back to the dorm"

Ron had already gone to sleep almost as soon as we got into our beds. I could hear his snoring from across the room.

I tried to get to sleep but I was just too worried about Hermione. I had a bad feeling and most of the time my intuition was correct. Hermione was in danger I could feel it.

Hermione's pov

Another agonising scream erupted from my throat as  he stabbed the knife into my thigh once again.

"I do wish you would stop making that irritating noise" he warned as he looked down at me.

I kept my eyes trained on the scratches on the floor determined to not let him see my tears.

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