Part 7

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"OMG! Harry asked you!" Ginny squealed

Luna smiled "I knew it"

"We all need to buy dresses! Or sort out our outfits!"

"Um ok then when?"I asked

Ginny answered "Tomorrow because the ball is on the weekend"

"After last lesson?"

"Sounds perfect" Luna commentated

"Where though?"

"London silly you can apparate us there, because your more experienced" explained Ginny.

"Ok then" I finally agreed


"Class dismissed" the professor said.

Ginny grabbed my arm dragging me out the door.

"Wait Gin I wanted to talk to Harry" I protested

"You can talk to him later, we want maximum shopping time!"

I rolled my eyes at her jokingly.

"Fine we have to get changed first though otherwise people are going to think we're weird"

"What the muggles?"

"Yes the 'muggles'"

"Let's go then!" She squeaked

"We have to wait for Luna"I insisted

"She's already upstairs. NOW HURRY UP!"

We got changed and then met back up at the weeping willow.

"Right are you ready?" I asked holding Luna's hand in my right hand and Ginny's in my left hand.

"Yes" Luna said Ginny nodded.

We were sucked upwards and dropped right in the middle of Piccadilly Circus. The bright lights flashing in the rain and the yellow cabs swerving in the puddles.

I looked up suddenly hit with a flash back from the last time I was here before the war and we came here to look for one of the horcruxes. Oh and we smashed out of Gringots bank...on a dragon.

"You ok Hermione?" Ginny asked

"Yeah I'm ... it's just last time I came here was just before the war" I stammered

Luna turned , saying nothing, and hugged me. I hugged her back gratefully.

"Right so where are we going?" I said letting go of Luna and composing myself.

Ginny squealed " Well I was thinking..."


There in front of me stood another shop with what felt like millions of racks filled with horrible dresses.

"Can we go home now I don't think I'm going to find anything" I whined I could be reading  'Hogwarts a History' right now.

"No just this shop and maybe one or two more and then we might have to go" Ginny ordered

Luna and Ginny had already brought their dresses.
Ginny brought a lovely green dress that hung to her slim figure. Luna brought a pretty floaty pink dress that suited her personality perfectly.

"What about this one?" Luna asked holding up a gaudy yellow thing that looked like a quality street wrapper.

"Maybe not"

"Yeah I thought it looked a bit like sqwaffeler fur" Luna laughed.

" Merlin's beard I think I've found the one!" Ginny nearly screamed.

She ran over holding a beautiful deep red chiffon dress with a sweetheart neckline and with material went all the way down to the floor.

"I love it" I said matching her excitement.

"Go try it on!"

I tried it on the fabric sliding on perfectly. I walked out so the girls could see.

Ginny dramatically gasped " It's perfect! You look amazing. I admit it did take ages but I definitely found a very stylish dress" she blabbed

"You look stunning Hermione" Luna said quietly

I blushed " Do you think it's the one?"


I brought the dress and then we apparated back to school running to the great hall for dinner.

"Did you guys have a good shopping trip ?" Harry asked as I sat down panting slightly.

"Yes actually it was pretty successful"

"Pretty successful? She is gonna look stunning Harry just you wait" Ginny gushed

"She looks pretty good right now if you ask me" he said quietly.

Blood rushed to my cheeks as I smiled at him shyly.

"Thank you"

He grinned in response.
Wow so a shopping trip for the girls of Hogwarts! I felt like I needed to build up the girls friendships and not just focus on Harry ;).

Please tell me your views on this chapter.
Nev xxx

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