Part 20

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Harry's POV

It took a while but Ron and I had finally managed to get Hermione pretty close to the common room. I snatched a glimpse of her, her face paling slightly at the sight of the moving stairs, her breath coming in short pants.

"Merlin's beard" she cursed "You don't happen to a have a broom in your pocket Harry. Because I think I would rather fly up there"

I looked over to Ron seriously considering the idea of fetching my broom. Ron shook his head laughing at Hermione "nah you've got this Granger."

"Your making this sound like a quidditch game" she chastised chuckling and then started to make her way up the stairs. Ron and I following.

Without warning she swayed in front of me tripping over the next step. I felt her grab onto my outstretched hand to stop falling over. "I'm fine" Hermione said rather abruptly "Just a little dizzy. I am perfectly capable of getting up stairs Harry Potter" without looking at him she snapped to Ron "and you Ron Weasley"

"Wha... I didn't say anything" I shook my head at him signalling to leave it. Her lips pressed tight and gritting her teeth she stomped up the stairs sheer determination and stubbornness willing her forward. She took an unsurprisingly short time to get up the stairs, man nor beast could stop Hermione Jean Granger when she was on a mission.

Though at most times she was an unstoppable force when the fat lady swung open revealing the warm common room the light from the hearth flickered across her face showing the pale complexion to her skin, the slight sheen of sweat on her forehead and the dark circles ringing her sad brown eyes, she looked almost defeated.

"Hey mione why don't you go upstairs and get some rest" I suggested. She looked towards the stairs and shook her head. "No I'm good. I think I might just sit down though"

"Why don't we play wizards chess? Harry do you want to play?"  "Depends, what do you want to do Hermione?" I asked her as she sat down in one of the armchairs beside the roaring fire.

"I'll play after you, I'm happy to watch for now"  "okay"

Ron and I played wizards chess for a while Hermione watching from just behind me, Ron won by a fraction.

"Aw don't worry mate I'm sure you'll win someday, But for now the winner is I, Ron Weasley" He boasted pretending to bow.

"Yeah we get it , do you want to play Hermione?... Hermione?" I looked over my shoulder to see my best friend curled up in the large armchair a peaceful expression on her face, fast asleep. I breathed out a quite "oh" suddenly aware of my loud voice.

"You'd win if you played her at the moment she's out like a light" Ron joked also looking at the young woman in front of us.  "Well I better go anyway Harry. Luna and I are going to help Hagrid out at four with some Cornish pixie young or something"

"Oh okay well we'll see you two later, good luck" he laughed nodding and left the portrait closing behind him.

"Well I guess it's just you and me Mione"
I sat there for a while just staring at the fire and softly taking to Hermione, when pulling at my eye line I saw her moving. Her breath hitched every so often and she was flinching and muttering quietly under her breath, but she was definitely still asleep.

She was obviously stuck in a nightmare, I knew the type, the ones where you are so scared that you can't scream. The ones where terror sucks you to the spot and makes your darkest fears unfold.
"No, no get off! I said get off me! I'll never tell you, I don't care." Hermione spoke her voice getting gradually  louder "your not real, they wouldn't do that. Stop it your hurting me! This isn't real I know it's not."

Everyone has had one at some point when you finally realise that you are in a nightmare , but you can't get out your stuck, trapped in your own personal horror movie. The frames replaying over and over and over again.

I placed my hand on her arm gently rubbing it up and down. "It's ok your just dreaming wake up"I whispered to her. She shifted slightly her features confused.

"Wake up" Suddenly her eyes opened fear widening them into orbs.  Her voice filled with alarm she half screamed "Get off!.... Harry?" "Yeah it's me Mione"

Her eyes filled with tears as she pulled me down into a bone crushing hug. She was shaking as I put one arm under her knees and the other around her back and lifted her carefully out the chair. Turning around I sat down and placed her on my lap her arms still wrapped around my neck, her head buried in my chest.

"Your safe now" I cooed stroking her hair as she sobbed quietly "your safe" We stayed like that for a long time Hermione's sobs getting gradually quieter my finger still brushing through her hair. "I'm sorry"

"What for Hermione? You know none of it was your fault right?"  "Yeah yeah I know, I'm sorry that I wasn't with you" , "With me when?" , "All the times you faced off against Voldemort, you were always alone, I now know how horrible that is"

I sighed my next words lingering on my tongue "I wasn't alone." Hermione looked up and me her eyes red rimmed. "You were there helping out from afar. You made me fight, I'm only standing here now because of you. You don't know how much I owe you, I would have died years ago if not for you."

"Hermione you gave me hope when the darkness was closing in on us, your hope made me brave."

"Thank you for saying that Harry," she replied sleepily "you know I love you right?"

My breath caught in my throat at her words and it took me a second to answer, looking down at my best friend emotion filling my voice I whispered "yeah I know mione, I love you too" 
I kissed her hair and reluctantly stood placing the now sleeping girl back into the armchair, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. I turned to go and fetch my homework when a sleeply voice said, "where you going?" "I'm not going anywhere" I reassured her. "Your staying with me?" "Yes, Always"
Sooo it's not particularly happier but at least there's some cute stuff (well I hope that was cute)
If you liked the cute stuff I've got loads more ideas. Was it too long? Was it too short? I have no idea please educate me dear readers 😂
As always (see what I did there;)) please comment and vote and whatever else you feel like doing.
Thanks for reading!
never-eat-pears :)

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