Part 8

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It was the morning of the Saturday that the winter ball was on and the Griffindor girl's dorm room was crazy. There were girls running everywhere some crying, some laughing, some dressed, some still in their pyjamas.

I on the other hand was already dressed and sat on my bed reading Little women. It was first time I'd read it and nothing was going to stop me from reading the end of my chapter.

"Hermione have you seen my heels!"  Ginny shouted from across the room.

"No sorry gin I will help you look after I have finished my chapter" I answered not lifting my eyes from the pages.

"I don't know why your stressing we have still got all day to get ready" I said

"Exactly we've only got today!"

After about 10 mins I had finished my chapter.

"What did you want me to look for gin?"

"What? Oh don't worry I stressed we've still got ages" she laughed
The day went quickly and soon enough it was only 2 hours until the ball.

"When is Ron picking you up?" I asked Luna as I dried my hair after my shower.

"I think five?" She said

"I'm so excited Hermione I really like him" she confessed.

"That's great Luna I'm excited for you two I think your going to be great together"

"What about you and Harry?" She asked

"I don't know ... I mean obviously I really like him... but I don't want it to go wrong"

"Yeah I get that"

Just then Ginny came walking in.

"Would you like me to do your hair Hermione?" She asked

"Yes please"

"I've got a very good idea of what to do with that stunning hair of yours"

She twisted , sprayed and brushed my frizzy hair into an intricately woven updo. She finally whispered something ,flicked her wand and then signaled that she was done.

"Wow" I complemented "your amazing"

"Why thank you" she laughed "it really isn't hard"

My hair twisted in to a braided crown with strands falling delicately, framing my face.

"You go and put your makeup on then I'll help you pick out some shoes"


I put on a thin layer of makeup nothing fancy just enough to make me look nice. Then went back into the room to sort out my shoes with Ginny.


Ron had already picked Luna up and Ginny was meeting Neville at the ball. So I was sat in our room alone waiting for Harry.

There was a knock on the door I opened it expecting to see Ginny running in because she decided she didn't like her shade of lipstick. But it wasn't Ginny at the door it was Harry.

He was wearing his dress robes , nicer ones than the Yule ball, he had attempted to brush his hair leaving it messy and boyish, and his eyes were sparkling.

"Hi" he said breathlessly

"Hi" I said quietly

"You look beautiful"

"You don't look too bad yourself" I said blushing beet red.
 He whispered something to himself smiling softly.

"Miss Granger would you care to accompany me to the winter ball tonight?" He asked holding out his arm.

"I would be delighted Mr Potter" I answered giggling and looping my arm with his.

We walked together to the dance floor meeting Ron and Luna.

"How's it going guys? You look great by the way Hermione so do you mate" Ron said to Harry and I.

"Thank you Ron. It's going great" I replied

"Yeah amazingly" Harry said glancing down at me.

"I think that's our queue to leave Ronald" Luna said with a knowing smile.

"What why? ... oh, yeah coming" he realised following her.

"Can I have this dance?" Harry asked.

"You may"

He put his arms around my waist as I put my hands around his neck, swaying slowly to the music.

"You really do look spectacular Hermione" he complemented

"It's amazing what some makeup can do" I joked

"You always look stunning to me makeup or not"

I kissed his cheek a smile breaking onto his face.

We can leave the Christmas lights up till January
This is our place we make the rules

"I love this song!" I nearly shouted

"Well then we are obliged to dance to it"

He twirled me around awkwardly laughing as I nearly fell over. The last time we danced like this was in our tent when I was upset and Harry gave me hope when I needed it most. My light in the darkness.

Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close?
Forever and ever?

I looked up at him, his eyes echoing the questions in the song.

Your my, my,my, my ..... lover.
After a long time dancing we stumbled off the dance floor heading towards the drinks.

I sat down Harry passing me a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Thank you"

I took a sip of the juice a odd taste filling my mouth.

"God this stuff is weird"

Just then Ron and luna appeared through the crowd.

"That's because I spiked it" Ron explained "I thought I do it in Fred's memory , you know stir up some trouble, get some kids pissed"

"Ronald Weasly you are a bad man" I said laughing

He shrugged "Might as well have some fun"

"Too right mate, it's our last year here, we might as well leave an even bigger legacy" Harry chuckled beside me.

"Let's go have some fun then!" I stood up grabbing Harry's hand. He looked at me shocked.

"Unless your too scared" I flirted

"Oh you'll never be able to scare me"  he answered back cockily.

"Get a room you two, you coming Luna?" Ron asked

"I think I will thank you Ronald."

"I know the perfect place" I said excited
Sooo what did you think? The romance is building and the gang are going off for some fun ;) (don't worry we're gonna keep this as pg 13 as my dirty mind allows 😂)

Nev xxx

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