Part 22

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Hermione's pov
I looked over at Harry as we stood still dripping from the rain my complexion a rosy blush. "I'm going to have a bath because I am freezing cold"

"Ok me too see you down here later" Harry replied.
I wondered along the corridors to the bathroom my body protesting after our sprint. I could feel a small amount of blood run down my side from one of the cuts on my torso. Ignoring it it made my way into the baths and found a private room locking it. I shed my clothing and as I went to sink into the water I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

My body looked horrendous the bruises that littered it seemed to have grown bigger spreading over large proportions of my skin, the pink puckered scars ,which weren't from the curse, were a mess zigzagging along me creating horrible jagged patterns. The sectumsempra wounds were covered in blood soaked gauze which added to the image, my chest and ribs were tightly wrapped with dark coloured bruises peeking out from underneath their bandages. Finally a cuff of gauze was wound around my wrist covering the engraved racial slur from my prying classmates innocent eyes.

I am hideous I thought quietly a small tear dripping down my face. I am hideous and pathetic. I put both Harry and Ron in danger because of my stupidity and now I'm crying because of a few bruises. I need to get a grip.  I shook my head quickly casting a water protection spell on my bandages to stop them getting wet and settled into the hot water feeling all  angry, horrified and devastated at the same time.

Washing my hair quickly I got out of the bath,  cast a drying spell and changed back into my robes. I then headed to the common room and straight up to the girls dorms. Ginny was laying on her bed reading.  "Hey Hermione, I'm reading the book you recommended it's actually really good" she said as I walked in.  "That's great Gin"  She sat up obviously worried. "Hermione are you ok? All things considered that is" I turned at looked at her trying to sound convincing. "Yeah I'm fine, really" "If your fine you won't mind giving me a hug then?"

I signed, Ginny had worked out by now that if she showed my any sympathy when I was trying to hide my emotions I ended up breaking down and telling her why I was upset.  I sat down next to her and explained "It's silly Gin really" "Well if it's silly then you can tell me" I looked down away from her my eyes filling with tears. My voice wavering I replied "I'm hideous Ginny, the scars are disgusting and the cuts are worse and I'm more black and blue than any other colour. Don't get me started on my wrist" I was half sobbing my the end my voice coming in bursts. "Shhh the bruises will heal and so will the scars. Your beautiful don't forget that ok. Your my best friend and your are stunning inside and out, don't forget that ok?" She soothed pulling me into a hug and squeezing me tight. "Thank you Gin your the best"  She leaned away smiling "Oh I know" I laughed with her knowing she would always have my back.

Just then Luna walked in "Are you two ok?" She asked. Ginny replied "Yes but do you know what we need?"   I shook my head "no?" "Ice cream, come on ladies we're going on a trip to the kitchens" Luna looked at me as we laughed at Ginny who grabbed us both by the hands and dragged us down the stairs and along the corridors at the speed of light.

Hiya , it's a bit of a shorter chapter this time. I feel like I basically forgot most of the storyline last chapter so it was a bit like a one shot *face palm* so I thought I'd link it a bit with this chapter. Also I thought Hermione should have a chat with Ginny about her body and her self esteem which is very low at the moment.

Normal stuff vote and add to your libraries please oh and comment at will. I hope you liked the change of scene with a moment with Ginny if you didn't tell me what you'd like instead.

Right that's it,
Never-eat-pears :)

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