Part 14

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Harry's pov

I carefully flicked my wand around in the air creating small sparks like a sparkler a pattern forming in front of me. I drew a lion, much like the Griffindor crest one, and absentmindedly tapped it bringing it slowly to life. It's glimmering figure dancing around the room.
A melodic voice came from beside me "I remember teaching you how to do that" it whispered  "that must have been in 4th year"

I kept my eyes on the lion studying its sleek movement. "It's still not as good as yours" I replied "you always were better than me"

I looked down to where the voice was, green eyes melting into deep brown ones.
"I never believed that for a second" she smiled

"How are you feeling?" I asked noticing the dark circles under her eyes and the pasty complexion to her skin.

"I've been better" she croaked.

A sudden hatred filled me at the thought of her kidnapper "I should have got there sooner, I shouldn't have gotten angry with you, you would have been ok then, then that monster couldn't have taken you" I nearly shouted my voice raising by the second.

"No Harry it's my fault I should have been alert I brought this upon myself" she protested.

Suddenly She bent forward moaning ,clutching her stomach, her muscles tensed. "Hermione what's wrong?"

I placed my hand on her back trying to get an answer from her.

"Hermione's what's wrong? What's hurting?"

"I think I'm going to be sick" she muttered.

"Oh right ok" I summoned a bowl from the other side of the room placing it in front of her. She coughed violently into it blood coming out her mouth. She heaved in breaths trying to get oxygen into her rattling lungs.

Finally she lead back down placing the bowl on the ground taking small sharp intakes of breath.

"I wish we had more time to have fun when we were younger you know?" I exclaimed trying totakr her mind off her current state "we were always off fighting something or other"

"All we have is now Harry. We can't go back and change the beginning, but we can start from where we are and change our ending"

"Were you always this clever?" I asked grabbing her  hand, it was icy cold to the touch . "God your freezing"

She waved her arm dismissively placing her other hand on top of mine.
"Thank you, Harry, for getting me out of there" looking down for a second she continued " I thought I would never get out" her quite confession brought tears to my eyes as I held her close.

All of a sudden her eyes glazed over as a petrified look crossed her face it was only there for a moment because not a second later she started convulsing her body shaking and spasming uncontrollably. Her head whipping backwards as her muscles writhed.


Im so sorry I haven't been updating, I've been rlly busy:(
I will try harder to get a regular update pattern

Please keep reading,
Nev xxx

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