Part 5

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Hermione's pov

The winter ball was fast approaching the days getting longer and colder. We were in our defence against the dark arts class, our teacher and headmistress Professor McGonagal was stood at the front of the class demonstrating how to defeat a boggart.

"I can't believe we are doing this again this is year 4 stuff" Ron moaned

I nodded agreeing with him.

"They want us to help teach the younger years" Harry explained " they want to check that we have mastered the skills needed to teach them"

"That makes sense" I reasoned.

McGonagal shot us a look to be quiet even though if you looked carefully she was smiling.

"Now who wants to go first? What about you Miss Lovegood"

"Oh ok professor I warn you though we need to be careful of the nargles" she said breezily.

McGonagal opened the doors and out slunk an odd looking creature with two pairs of eyes and a long pointed nose.

"Riddikulus!" Luna shouted the creature suddenly started dancing on the spot. Luna laughed getting rid of the boggart.

"Well done Luna" McGonagal praised "Miss Granger would you like to go next?"

"Ok then professor"

I stepped forward my knees shaking, after the war I have no idea what I'm most scared of. It was sure to be something horrible that was going to come out of that closet. Voldemort? Bellatrix?

I looked around the class nervously trying to catch the eyes of the one person who could calm me down, Harry. I couldn't see him anywhere.

Suddenly a body slid out of the cupboard. There lead on the ground was Harry.

Pale, blood covered, limp Harry. Dead.

Not again I thought panicked its not real it can't be real. It's the boggart, calm down Hermione think rationally.

"Riddic" I chocked on my words


My heart pumped faster and faster in my chest making it hard to breathe.

The boggart gained strength feeding on my fear. Suddenly my dream was folding out before my eyes. All I could see was the sunken black eyes of my loved ones.

Mad Eye,
Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry.

"Riddikulus" a shrill voice came from behind me.
The dead were gone and I looked around seeing my classmates shocked expressions. The whispering started one by one.

"Do you think that's what the war was like?"

"Poor girl"

"I always thought she was odd"

"She looks terrible"

"That was pathetic"

I stood up and ran out of the room not stopping until I reached the girl's lavatories. I sat there trying to catch my breath.

"Hermione are you in here?" A female voice called from the door.

"I can hear you come out and talk to me"

I walked out of the stall and was greeted with the kind green eyes of Ginny Weasly.

"Hey" she said


"That was a bit rough in there"


"Are you ok"

"Not really" I confessed

She hugged me as Luna walked in.

" I'm sorry Hermione are you ok?" Luna asked

"Yeah I'll be fine" I replied smiling weakly at her.

I washed the traces of tears off my face and dried my puffy eyes.

"We better get back to class"

As soon as we stepped back into the class room I stared panicking again I tried focusing on breathing the room swimming before my eyes. I scoured the room for Harry's green irises.

Professor McGonagal called that it was the end of lesson and a flood of judging people hurried past me.

I found Harry staring at me as he walked slowly towards me placing and arm around my shoulder.

"I thought you were dead again" I confessed.

"I know I'm sorry I couldn't get through the crowd to get to you" regret laced his tone

"It's ok, I'm just glad your not, you know, dead. It scared me"

"I know 'mione I'm sorry" he leaned down and rest his chin on the top of my head sighing slowly as he did it

"I'm sorry" he repeated remorseful.

Another slightly depressing chapter sorry folks. I hope you enjoyed nevertheless :) if your wondering where's there going to be some harmione fluff hopefully (if I can persuade myself to stop writing angst) there will be tons of it next chapter. Enjoy fellow potterheads!

Nev xxx

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