Part 28

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Hermione's pov

Christmas was quickly upon us, after weeks and weeks of quiet excitement it was finally the twenty third, two days before Christmas.

I woke up early childish glee disrupting my sleep and silently wrapped everyone's presents. Golden tree wrapping for Ginny, Christmas elves for Luna, Father Christmas wrapping for Neville, candy canes for Ron and snowmen for Harry. 

"Better to be organised early" I whispered to myself glancing around at my sleeping room mates.

I knew for a fact that Ginny was having to make an impromptu trip to Hogsmeade today because she still hadn't sorted out everyone's gifts. I was also pretty sure that Ron was going with her.

Smiling wide I cast an invisibility charm on the boxes and placed them underneath my bed.

As I walked into the great hall I was shocked. The ceiling of the hall was dotted with the illusion of falling snow and stars, there was a large Christmas tree in every corner of the room decorated with the colours of each house and the tables were ladened with food of every variety. It was truly beautiful, the room seemed to give off a warm feeling despite its massive size and laughter seemed to bounce off the walls.

Looking around I spotted our little group of people at the Gryffindor table. Almost everyone at the table was wearing one of Mrs Weasley's famous Christmas jumpers. Ginny's was light orange with a large brown G embroidered onto it while Harry's was emerald green, the same as his eyes, with a golden H  and lastly Ron's had another large letter, an R on it and it was of course maroon.

"I know, I know it's the thought that counts but really did she have to make it bloody maroon!" Ron complained to any one who was listening. As I made my way closer to the table his moans became louder.

Sitting down next to him I replied "I don't know I think it's more of a rusty red this year"

"Morning Hermione" he snorted taking a mouthful of his breakfast.

From across the table Harry nodded a hello to me smiling.

"Morning, how are you?"I asked

He smiled again almost nervously "good... thank you". I was confused at the lack of conversation he provided and turned to talk to the others.

Ron spoke up "Hey mate can we talk a sec?" His expression almost urgent, directed at Harry.

"Uh, of course" With that Ron grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him to the corner of the room.

From my seat I could just hear what they were saying. "For gods sake Harry!-" was all I heard until Harry spoke up "I know I'm just worried" Then Ron said "this is stupid!" Harry replied with "this isn't going to end well" Unfortunately I couldn't catch anymore of what they were saying and after a while they made their way back to the table.

Something was really wrong about that conversation I thought to myself speaking up "What were you two talking about?"

Both boys looked at me answering at almost the exact same time, "the Chudley Cannons game last weekend"

Before I could question them any more Ginny piped up from across the table, " oh I almost forgot mum felt really bad about never knitting you a jumper Hermione and you Neville so she wanted me to give you these so you could wear them on Christmas"

Today was the last day of school before everyone headed off, Neville was going to his grandma's, all the Weasley's (plus Luna for a couple days) were heading down to Bill and Fleur's place to spend the holiday and Harry and I were staying at Hogwarts for a Christmas with Hagrid. 

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