Part 12

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Hermione's pov

I take in a heaving lungful of air the poisonous memories making it hard to breath. I sobbed loudly ,another vision taking its place in my head.

It feels like I've been here for days and days when in reality it's probably only been 24 hours.

Antonin spoke up "I've got one more method I'd love to try out on you. Now I'm afraid it might very well kill you but if it doesn't I'm sure we can give it another try". He smiled an evil glint in his eye.

"You might of heard of it" he continued "it's called transmogrification torture. It's basically a delightful mix of the cruciatus curse and the killing curse otherwise known as Avada Kedavra. Are you ready?"

Harry's pov

"Can you apparate there boys?" McGonagal asked us.

"Yes professor" I replied for both Ron and I.

"See you there mate" Ron reassured.

I nodded as I was pulled upwards. I landed stumbling onto hard gravel. Looking around I spotted Ron and McGonagal. The area looked like an old abandoned factory many grey buildings stood around the main square where we were.

"How did you recognise this place Professor?" I asked.

"It was one of the main places where Voldemort's followers would meet up. Many years ago before we knew them as death eaters" she replied.

Suddenly I heard an ear piercing scream. "That must be her!" I shouted running towards the building on my left.

"No! Mr potter we have to wait for the back up from Azkaban. Otherwise he could get away. Stay here." McGonagal commanded.

I kept on running ignoring her. The sound of Hermione's screams willing my legs forward.

"Bombarda!" I shouted unlocking the padlock on the old metal doors.

What I saw through those doors was even worse than I had prepared myself for. She was tied up with chains to the wall her small frame beaten and stabbed to a pulp. But what scared me the most was the hopeless, look on her face, her features showing her pain better than her twisted body.

Then I spotted him, Antonin Dolohov.
"Expelliarmus!" I pulled my wand out of my pocket and cast the spell, Dolohov's wand flying out of his hand.

"So you were wrong Miss Granger, he did come to save you how ..." he paused deliberating his next words "wonderful"

He ran towards his Hermione laughing before I could react cackling he pulled a long thin blade. A horrible chocking sound escaped her lips like she was trying to scream but it was stuck. He brought the knife to her throat the sliver hilt reflecting her sickly pale skin.

"Move an inch and I kill her" he threatened

I stared wide eyed at her, as she lifted her hanging head up. She stared back at me her eyes full of determination. Then with what must have been the last of her strength she stomped on Dolohov's foot and as soon as he was distracted she kicked him in the stomach. He swung around swiping at her as his blade cut into her stomach I shouted "Immobulus!"
Effectively freezing him to the spot.

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