Part 30

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Hermione's pov

"Why don't you open the one from me Gin?" Neville suggested pointing over to the large parcel positioned underneath the highly decorated beautifully lit tree in the corner of the room.

Everyone was there for the 'gift giving meet up' in the room of requirement. Ginny had set it up and had planned the evening perfectly. Us girls fetched the presents from the invisible stack in the Gryffindor common room whilst the boys had convinced some of the house elves (mainly former friends of Dobby) to allow them to take some festive food from the kitchens.

The room had set its self up perfectly, as always, with a large Christmas tree in the corner to place the presents under, a table to lay out the refreshments, a glowing hearth and a cosy red rug to sit on.

The group consisted of the usual suspects Ginny, Neville, Luna, Ron, Harry and I. We had also invited others but they could not make it because of the other festivities taking place around the castle and it's grounds on the last night of the Michealmas term.

"It's that one there Ginny" Neville repeated.

Ginny grabbed the present and sat down on the floor her back against Neville's chest and began to open the golden wrapped present. She unwrapped a beautiful pair of omnioculars, her gasp was audible when saw them. They were a golden colour and had a green leather strap to wear around your neck, the colours of the harpies.

"For when we go to watch the Holyhead Harpies" Neville explained smiling at her reaction.

She turned and kissed him on the cheek stopping at that as to not embarrass him, he had already gone a light tinge of pink at her affection.

"Oh Neville they are wonderful, thank you. Though I doubt I'll be seeing the Harpies anytime soon we haven't got tickets for this season and next seasons will go so quickly it's a bun fight just to get a seat" the Weasley witch rambled happily.

I noticed the quick glance shared between Ron and Neville before Neville spoke quietly, "well it's a good job I got us tickets for their match against the Chudley Cannons then isn't it?"

Ginny's ramblings stopped abruptly and she turned to look at her boyfriend. "What did you just say? You got tickets?"

All Neville had to do was nod and she flung her arms around him kissing him fervently. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" She squealed as they pulled apart his face red and his expression gleefully shocked.

"Right should we move on" Ronald asked obviously finding the public display of affection by his sister awkward, "Harry you go next, pick one of us"

Harry shuffled over to the tree looking around at us "umm Luna"

"It's that little one there Harry" she replied.

Harry glanced at me almost apprehensively before opening the gift. He pulled out three orange tubes of something and a box and promptly started laughing. The sound doing strange things to my stomach as it echoed around the room.

"What are they Harry?" I asked chuckling slightly at his amusement.

"It's some packs of Chinese Fortune sticks and a deck of tarot cards "

Luna spoke up explaining the almost random gift, with humour lighting her face she said "well I know how much you loved our divination classes so I thought those would be perfect"

The rumbling sound of laughter erupted into the room at her funny gift.

"Thank you Luna. It's a really thoughtful present and it is rather funny as well." Harry smiled warmly at her placing the gifts beside him. "Who's next then?"

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