Part 27

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Hermione's pov

I woke up to the sound of a high pitched ringing and the feeling of a banging pain smashing tirelessly in my skull. With a groan I realised two things, one: the banging was a headache and two: nobody else could hear the high pitched ringing sound.  "That can't be good" I thought turning to find a foul smelling luminous orange potion sat on my bedside table. I found myself smiling at the note next to the bottle despite the bad mood that had begun to set in. It read:

This is a potion given to me by Fred and George a while back it will help with the hangover. DO NOT SMELL IT. It will definitely make you puke after the copious amounts of firewhiskey you downed last night. I hope it makes you feel better.
See you in the morning ;)

I laid back in bed as my eyelids started drooping and let my mind wander into sleep. Suddenly a bright piercing light ripped me from my slumber. Groaning slightly I looked up to see a dark figure blocking my vision. Their gloomy outline a stark contrast to the blinding background.

"Good morning, you need to get up otherwise we're going to be late" the figure spoke. Squinting I recognised the bright auburn hair of the Weasley family and the same wilful eyes of their mother Molly.

"Arghh Gin can't we just forget about lessons today?" I wined the internal ringing/screaming sound increasing in pitch and volume.

"How the roles have been reversed" Luna's melodic voice rang out from the back of the room, it's subtle Irish lilt cutting through the morning haze clouding in my head.

Shaking myself awake I spoke up "How are you not dying? I don't want to even stand up!"

"Because you my friend got completely and utterly PLASTERED last night" Ginny laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. A strong wave of nausea hit me as I stood and I bolted dizzily into the bathroom.

After realising that firewhiskey burns on the way back up your throat as well as on the way down. I trudged back to my bed and sat down considering my options. I could either take the potion, get up and participate in normal society (or try to at least) or I could go to bed and forget that today or last night ever happened.

"You alright?" Luna asked coming up behind me. I nodded at the blonde haired witch instantly regretting my head movement.

"Umm hmm, you don't look alright to me, I would down that potion if I was you" the other ginger witch advised, a smile ,which was close to being smug, playing at her lips.

The potion smelt rank, it was as if somebody had mixed rotten eggs, blue cheese, something that had been dead a while and a hint of vodka, in summary it was enough to make anyone gag. Holding my nose i tipped the concoction into my mouth ignoring the persistent need to throw up and forced myself to swallow, my fellow witches grimacing.

Ginny spoke up first "We've missed breakfast but I managed to get Ron and Neville to save us some of theirs" The thought of food made my stomach roll.

"Sounds good" I replied trying to sound positive and failing causing Luna to laugh.
"We better get going food or no food"


Funnily enough I skipped breakfast, even the thought of bacon being unappealing. Luna, Ron, Neville, Ginny and I were currently hurrying away from potions, after a horrendously boring lesson (even for me). Neville and Ron were to the left of me discussing the Chudley Cannons' last game and  Luna and Ginny were on my left talking about the new girl in year 4.

"They got smashed Ron"
"She seems nice"
"They did not! It was an unfair game the ref was obviously biased!"
"Apparently her mum and dad are Winnie and Quentin Delemory!"
"That was a legal move and you know it"
"Ohhh yes I heard about that too"
"Chudley Cannons should have won that game fair and square! I'll say it one more time the ref-"

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