Part 15

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Harry's POV

I stared in horror as her body convulsed in front of me. For what felt like the first time in my life I felt helpless, useless, frozen to the spot with fear. 

It was only when the door to the infirmary opened and Ginny screamed, I could move the sound jolting me to my senses.

"Oh My God! Harry do something! I'll go and get Madame Pomefrey.". Ginny ran out the room shouting for the school nurse. With out warning Hermione's arm flung outwards coming dangerously close to a nearby set of sharp syringes. I quickly moved them away making sure she couldn't injure herself further.

Suddenly the doors flung open revealing a flustered looking professor, Madame Pomfrey. She leapt into action shouting orders to anyone who would listen. "Ginny go and ask professor sprout for some Moly petals and some Dittany , and be quick about it! Harry hold down Hermione's arm, nice and still we can't have her moving."

I held Hermione's arm down firmly as Madame Pomfrey drew her wand out from her pocket. She muttered a small spell and tapped the crook of Hermione's elbow. As she drew her wand back a small stream of blood followed in the air  she then placed the blood in a pot and tapped the same place on Hermione's arm. The blood stopped leaving not even a mark on the skin.

"Now Harry hold her head still." Madame Pomfrey commanded. I nodded placing my hand on Hermione's forehead to stop it jolting and shaking. Madame Pomfrey slowly poured a silvery looking liquid into Hermione's mouth,  finally the convulsing stopped and Hermione lead there still. Too still.

"Is she ok now?" I asked knowing the answer already.

Madame Pomfrey looked at me sadly "I'm sorry but that's only a temporary external fix until we find out whats wrong we can't properly treat her because of the possibility of side effects. Medicine to treat dark magic is the most precise and the hardest to master most people even if they survive the actual curse die from the treatment process."

I looked away unable to meet the professors eye. Not wanting her to see my tears, worried that if someone showed me sympathy I would break down.

"Thank you professor" I said blinking away the moisture in my eyes.

"No problem. Now I must go and see where Ginny has got to with those plants" She exclaimed as she hurried away into the corridor.


Right before I even start and say hello I want to say I SO sorry that I haven't updated I thought nobody was reading so I kind of gave up but then I realised how much I love this story and if one person reads my work that's enough to keep on writing. :)

I probably won't have a regular update pattern but I will definitely try to update WAY more often.

Thank you for reading, please comment, vote and enjoy. Nev x

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