Part 9

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I rushed along the corridors Harry , Luna and Ron in tow.

"Where the bloody hell are we going Hermione?"Ron asked frustrated

"If you were patient Ronald you would see that we are going to the room of requirement"

"But Hermione that was blown up during the war. That room doesn't exist anymore they didn't rebuild it" Harry said

"That's where your wrong I was wondering around trying to find an empty classroom to read my book in and stumbled across the new room of requirement. I dare to say it's even better than the old one"

I lead them to the room and opened the door revealing a small space with beanbags and sofas scattered around. It had white drapes hanging from the ceiling with Christmas lights on them, and a small beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the corner. The room radiated a warm cosy feeling.

"Told you it was going to be good" I said smiling

"Oh it's lovely in here" Luna commented

"So why did you bring us here?" Harry asked

"I thought we might want to hang out alone for a while"

Just then the door opened and Ginny and Neville stepped out.

"Bloody hell ginny I thought you were a teacher!" Ron had scampered behind a book shelf.

We all turned and looked at him surprised.
"What! I'm trying not to get into trouble this year" he said definitely.

"Good luck with that mate" Harry chuckled as we sniggered.

"We decided we would follow you guys it looked like you were going to have some fun" Neville said

"I thought we could play a popular muggle game. It's called truth or dare" I suggested.

Harry smiled at me obviously having heard of the game before.

"What you have to do is you ask a person of your choice truth or dare if they pick truth then you can ask them a question but the answer has to be true. And they choose dare well that's self explanatory"

"Ok should we go make some truth serum then?" Neville asked

"No we'll just play it normally"

"I'll go first Neville truth or dare?" Harry asked


"Do you sing in the shower and if so what do you sing?" Harry asked

Neville's ears started going pink as he said "I do sing in the shower, I normally sing "I'm still standing" by Elton John"

"Oh my god you have showers in the morning I thought that was Seamus' owl!" Ron exclaimed

We all burst out laughing including Neville who had turned a full tomato red.

"Ginny truth or dare?"

"Dare" she said looking Neville in the eyes , challenging him.

"I dare you to go out side and start shouting there's a spider on your face at the first person you see"

"Ok then" she said confidently "I'll be back in a minute "

Ginny walked out the door and about 3 seconds later there was a scream and lots of shouting from Ginny.
The shouting and screaming then stopped someone shouted "ITS NOT FUNNY!" and then Ginny walked in her face completely blank.

"I did it"

"Who was it?" Ron asked

"Parvati Patil ,she freaked"

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