Part 26

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Harry's pov

I was just minding my own business at the Gryffindor match party, when Dean Thomas slanted into view ' GIFFINDOOR 4EVA' spelled onto his forehead. "Heya Harry" he slurred his kind eyes a little hazy "could you help me everyone is saying there's something on my forehead" Dean frowned trying to look at the top of his face "I can't see anything". I laughed at the spelling "yeah sure, give me a second"  he nodded then started wondering off towards Ginny and Neville.

"Uh Dean where are you going?" He turned around and waved "huh oh, heya Harry" I sighed at my friend "Do you have lessons tomorrow Dean?" He looked confused for a second before speaking "I have McGonagal first" "ooh ouch" I slapped my hand on his shoulder and pulled out my wand trying to wipe the words off his skin with a spell. The letters just became more jumbled after a couple tries I rearranged them so they made sense (ish). "Sorry mate your going have to deal with that in the morning" Dean nodded stumbling away, oblivious to the trouble he would be in tomorrow if the writing didn't come off.

The party carried on pretty late until even Dean had left. I turned to look at the clock and saw that it was two. I need to find Hermione, she'll kill me if I don't stop her now I thought finding her squished in an armchair in the middle of Ginny Weasley and Hannah Abbot.

"It's sooooo obvious Hermione" Ginny gushed elongating the letters and slurring Hermione's name.

"Ginnn stoop" Hermione's words were even more elongated and her words sounded heavy from intoxication. Hannah spoke up from the arm of the chair "Even in second year it was easy to see with the petrification and all" the Hufflepuff seemed to be the least drunk out of the three of them because, unlike Ginny and Hermione, she could form a sentence. "whaaaaa nooo that wasn't anything" Hermione denied making a brushing motion with her hand unfortunately she was still holding her drink. The firewhiskey sloshed out of the enchanted Gryffindor mug the lion shaking his head angrily.

I just caught Hannah glancing at me before looking away quickly and saying to Hermione  "Well they certainly feel the same way". The bushy haired girl protested leaning her head on the Hufflepuffs shoulder "Hannnnahh , shhhhhhhh" placing her finger lazily against her lips.

Just then Ginny Weasley caught my eye "Harrrryy!" She shouted "get over here!" I could turn back now I thought I wouldn't have to deal with three drunk girls but Hermione would kill me in the morning and Ginny is sometimes scary. Coming to a quick decision I joined them. "Hey Harry we were just talking about you" Hannah said, maybe she was more drunk than I thought. I laughed nervously "all good things I hope?" All three girls looked at each other a silent conversation being had that I was not privy to. Suddenly Ginny spoke up giggling "yup" she glanced at Hermione who was currently turning a light shade of pink "all good things" The Hufflepuff girl then started giggling too a mischievous grin pulling at the corners of her mouth "Oh Ginny we have McGonagall tomorrow morning" more like in 6 hours I thought remembering the time "we should both go to bed"

Ginny looked confused for a second, intoxication slowing her brain down, and then she smiled in same way Hannah just did "Oh sure Hannah, I'll see you tomorrow Hermiy and you Harry" The Gryffindor and the Hufflepuff suddenly stood up and left, leaving Hermione and I alone once again.

"Hey Hermione even though we don't have McGonagall tomorrow do you think we should probably go to bed?" She looked up at me, I remember her once saying that she thought her eyes were the colour of mud but they were so much more beautiful, tones of green, grey, amber and gold swirled through them. Colours you could only see if you looked very closely, past the first deep chocolate colour of her irises. "Hmm what was that?" she asked nearly asleep from the firewhiskey. I laughed softly at her "Nothing, come on" I grabbed her hand pulling her out of the armchair, she stumbled forward into me uneasy on her feet. I grabbed her by the waist before she could fall steadying us both. My grip on her waist pushed her shirt up a tiny bit my fingers momentarily brushing her stomach, sending electricity sparking up to my chest.

Slowly but surely we started to make our way towards our dorms. Just then I realised that I couldn't take Hermione up to her room because of the Glisseo staircase. She could come up to mine but not visa versa. I contemplated what to do next when Neville appeared behind us. "Hiya Harry hi Hermione" Hermione spoke up before I did "hi Neville, Harry's taking me to bed" she slurred not realising the second less PC connotation of her sentence. Neville chuckled "Oh that's nice of him, hey Harry" I looked at him my arm still wrapped around Hermione to keep her upright "The girls dorms were destroyed in the war" What is he on about I thought can't he see I'm trying to sort a very drunk girl out? He continued "I don't think they remembered to enchant the stairs" as if it was obvious. "Ohhh, thank you Neville" "No problem"

We finally made it upstairs and into the girls dorms. "Bed time" Hermione yawned from beside me. "Yeah it's probably for the best" "Can you go into the bathroom for a sec, Harry?" I looked at her confused but complied, it was her dorm. I walked into the bathroom, Merlins beard! I thought how many hair products do one dorm of girls use?! "You can come out now" I turned around to see Hermione dressed in light blue sleep shorts with stars on them and a simple white singlet. I turned my head slightly trying with all my might not to blush. She looks really ho...I stopped my self before I even thought my next words.

She got into bed and within a second she was asleep. She's going to have such a hangover in the morning. With that thought I rushed over to the boys dorms and grabbed the hangover potion Fred and George had given me a couple years ago. Walking back to the girls dorm I placed it on Hermione's bedside table. Getting out my wand I wrote her a message for the morning.

I stood there for a while watching her breathing for longer than I cared to admit. Your being creepy I told myself tearing my eyes away from her.Suddenly she moved in the darkness "Go away!" She screamed "You made this happen, go away!" She was having another nightmare, although this one was different from the other night, this one I could understand what it was about. "Harry! Go away!" My heart sank she blamed me, she wants me to go away I thought, she understands that it's my fault. I blinked back the moisture in my eyes unsuccessfully as a couple tears rolled down my face and I ran out of the room.

I quickly got to the my dorm and got into bed, focusing on stopping my tears. She hates me I thought, my best friend now hates me. With a sob I finally admitted to myself what I had been avoiding since I met her.
I love her. She hates me.

Yeah so sorry not really the happiest ending ever.
I am an evil writer who likes making characters lives hard.

Ok one important thing to ask you guys:
Do you like Neville and Ginny or would you rather have a Neville and Hannah pair and a Ginny and Dean pairing?

(Also if there is any mistakes I am rlly sorry I was busy so speed checked this chapter 🤦‍♀️😂)
That's all thank youu
Never-eat-pears :)

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