Part 18

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Harry's POV

I could feel the crisp frosty air as I slowly awoke from my slumber, my vision blurry, the infirmary slowly coming into view. A woman was standing in front of me her back turned. I blinked a few times trying to focus my sight. The lady, Madame Pomfrey I realised was leaning over to mix a small cluster of herbs.

I swung my legs over the bed rubbing my eyes, the Professor turned to me smiling. "Oh good your awake I was thinking I was going to have to go and get your friends myself." She said.

I looked at her my mind not yet fully awake so she explained"Hermione is going to wake up in a minute". She wiped her hands on a grey towel and then poured a small amount of the herbs into a orange liquid which gradually turned a turquoise blue colour.

I stood up throwing on my robe on over my trousers and jumper, pulled my shoes back on and pushed my glasses onto my nose. "I'll go and get them now Professor"


I tapped my finger on the table nervously, I was sat at a chair next to Hermione's bed side. Ron and Neville stood silently at the foot of her bed watching Ginny and Luna holding each other opposite me. The girls talked quietly both consoling and reassuring the other, both scared and worried for their friend.

I moved my chair forward so it was closer to the bed, so I could take Hermione's hand in mine. "I've produced the potion needed." Madame Pomfrey said appearing from the other room.

"How do you know it will work?" Ginny asked biting her lip and glancing nervously at Luna. "Well my dear I have worked out what type of curse Dolohov placed on Miss Granger and I have copied the spell and managed to put it in reverse somewhat. Hopefully as soon as Hermione drinks the potion the effects of the occultatum dolor will be stopped and no more harm will come to her." Pomfrey kindly explained.

I cast my eyes down at Hermione noticing the puckered mudblood scar on her arm and the scars on her wrists from the manacles. "What about her other injuries Professor?"

"She lost a lot of blood from the knife wounds but I was able to stop the bleeding successfully. As for the Sectumsempra cuts they will take longer to heal."

I looked up meeting Madame Pomfrey's eyes scared to ask the next question " What... What about the other ways he..." I stammered trying to breath though my emotions.

She met my eye with a sad look on her face as though trying to reassure me, but I'm not stupid I know better than most what dark magic can do to a person not only physically but mentally.

"Well cruciatus is horrendously painful but not too debilitating in the long term, the Legilimens will have left a lasting affect I imagine and as for the transmogrification torture there is only two known records of it and neither of the victims survived so we don't know what the lasting affects might be." she stated keeping to the facts knowing we, more than most, were used to the cold hard truth. Even so I could hear Ginny's quiet gasps at what her friend had been through.

Madame Pomfrey then nodded picking up a vial of crystal blue liquid and poured it past Hermione's lips. She then closed her mouth and held Hermione's nose forcing her to swallow. A few tense seconds passed as I held Hermione's hand stroking my thumb lightly across her knuckles, like I did when she was petrified all those years ago. Letting her know that she was safe that she could wake up now Dolohov was gone.

Slowly, her breathing returned to normal her chest rising and falling in a regular pattern instead of the short shallow breaths that she had grown accustomed to. Finally her eyelids fluttered open, blinking at the harsh light streaming in through the large windows, eyelids that opened to reveal sparkling chocolate brown eyes, eyes that I had missed so much.


so YAY Hermione finally woke up! :) Sorry for drawn out sad bits I rlly do love a bit of angst.

Again I want to say thanks for reading I'm still shocked that people are actually reading my writing. Please Keep on Voting and commenting and adding this story to you reading lists.

If you have any suggestions or queries or you just want to talk about Harmione drop a comments im SUPER bored atm so a chat would be nice :)

Nev x (never-eat-pears)

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