Part 19

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Hermione's POV

The bright winter sun flooded my vision as I slowly felt my senses return to me. In a way it was much like when I recovered from my petrification small currents of pins and needles edged their way through my body making me want to squirm. It felt as though my lungs were released from some kind of binding as I took my first deep fully conscious breath.

I could feel my mind whirling as I stroked my fingers along the cotton bedding, the faint musty smell of pumpkin juice and old books, the smell of Hogwarts making golden hope swirl in my chest.  My eyesight was slowly righting it's self, blurry shapes painstakingly morphing into objects. Vivid green orbs slowly came to life before me producing  eyes with unfathomable depth and wonderful familiarity.

"Harry?" I breathed feeling my muscles pulling into a smile. "Yeah it's me mione" his face pulled into the biggest grin relief evident on his features. "How are you feeling?" Sucking in a breath of air to steady myself I replied "Great"

"Oh Hermione we were so worried" Ginny said sitting down next to me and pulling me into a careful hug. "Yeh you gave us a right scare there Hermione" Ron half joked coming into view next to Harry.

Luna spoke up taking my hand in hers "We are all just glad that your ok"

"Thanks guys" I looked down unsure on how to respond. "I'm ok" my answer was unconvincing , I wasn't even convinced it was true.

But nobody seemed to notice, Ginny chatted happily telling me about how Neville had accidentally stumbled while casting an enchantment and given himself a very large nose instead of his chosen target, Seamus Finnegan. Luna laughed now and again with Ron and Neville was looking rather embarrassed at what was probably the one hundredth retelling of the 'big nose' story.

Harry meanwhile was talking to Madame Pomfrey from his seat on the bed. He kept on glancing over towards me as if checking I was still there.

"So then we had to take him to the infirmary because the spell that Neville cast to fix it went wrong and blue liquid started coming out of his nose" Ginny continued laughing  "oh Hermione I'm sure you would have been able to  sort it, it was hilarious though!" "I'm sure it was"
Madame Pomfrey cut in "Right well Miss Granger I think we can get you up now" 
"What time is it anyway shouldn't you lot be off to lessons?" She questioned the others.

"Oh yeah probably I'm really sorry Hermione I've got  charms with Flitwick. I'll see you tonight" Ginny apologised. "Oh yes Neville and I have Herbology oh I'm sorry Hermione " 

"Seriously it's fine guys I'll see you after lessons"
"Yeah definitely"
Luna,Neville and Ginny all left leaving only Harry, Ron and I.

"Haven't you got somewhere to be?" I asked the boys "No training was off today because Hufflepuff are using the pitch and besides it's bloody boltic out there" Ron shivered involuntarily glancing quickly out the window.

Madame Pomfrey once again cut into our light chat, "Right should we get to it then, we might need some assistance, Harry you stay this side of Miss Granger, if you could hold her arm to steady her, yes just like that" I pushed myself up into a sitting position a deep stabbing radiating from my side as Harry gently looped his arm around my waist and held onto my arm with his other hand.

Slowly I swung my legs over the bed the movement making me dizzy and a burning pain spread through my legs.  "You ok Mione?" Harry asked. "Umm hmm" I hummed through the turmoil. With great care (and Harry's help) I finally made it to my feet.

A slight gasp came from Harry as I stood and Ron muttered a shocked "bloody hell".  "What! What is it?" I looked down following their stares, littered all the way down my legs was a spectacularly multicoloured array of angry dark marks and bruises. Ugly pink scars were seared across my skin, the stab wounds evident because of the tight gauze wrapped around them, the other cuts from the knife were just newly scaring. "Oh..." I chocked on my words disgusted at my own warped body.

"The bruises will go away after some time, so should the other scars with treatment, but the ones from Sectumsempra," "They will never heal" I recalled from D.A.D.A "No I am afraid not" 

"Is... is the rest of me like this?" "Yes but your torso was affected the most" the Professor replied "I had to reset many of your bones the" I cut her off before she could say anything more "the transmogrification broke them, I had guessed as much" "Your ribs and collar bone are wrapped if you could come to me on Wednesday then I can rewrap them and check you over"

"Ok thank you professor" "No problem my dear. Can you boys get her back to Griffindor tower all right?" Harry nodded "yeah of course Professor, thank you so much"

Madame Pomfrey smiled and ushered us along as we started to make our way back along to the common room.

So that's another chapter done and dusted I hope it makes sense it is currently about 1 o'clock in the morning and my eyes are trying /starting to close.
I hope everyone is dealing ok with quarantine and I hope everyone is staying safe where ever you are in the world. All you have to do is look on the news to know that everything is a bit scary at the moment.  So keep on fighting, keep safe and keep positive, things will change. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 🏳️‍🌈

never-eat-pears :) 

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