Part 21

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Harry's pov

Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl as I watched the second hand tick in the corner of Professor Binns' classroom.  Normally his lessons were just about engaging enough to keep my interest but today other subjects were occupying my mind. When I say subjects I really meant a person, one person in particular.

That one particular person was currently sat on the edge of their seat at the front of the class, their long hair was frizzy because of the damp weather and created a perfect frame around their face. Eyes ablaze with curiosity ,their hand was stretched as high as possible, gleeful in their pursuit of knowledge. If only I could capture that look, I thought to my self. I never understood the obsession with beautiful people, beautiful people aren't truly beautiful they just own beautiful things. Real beauty is in confidence and knowledge and brilliance and kindness and love and the small intricacies and insignificant moments that make life unique to each person . This was one of those moments I noted, when Hermione was learning she came alive like nothing else, showing her real beauty even behind her features.

"Mr Potter?"
"Huh?" I blinked having been rudely snapped out of my thoughts.
"Do you?"
"Sorry? ... I didn't catch the question professor, could you please repeat?" I covered as quickly and smoothly as possible.
He signed "Do you know who wrote Hogwarts: A History?"
"Umm..." I stuttered looking around the room for an answer. Hermione swivelled around in her chair and was mouthing something to me. Was that a b? "Ba.. bath... Bathilda,  Bathilda... ba... bag.. Bagshot. Bathilda Bagshot sir"
"Yes well done Mr Potter" he said looking at Hermione then pointedly at me "and you Miss Granger"

"Thanks for that earlier 'mione I was totally screwed"
"You sort of got screwed anyway though" she laughed.I laughed along with her "yeah I suppose I did" After a while she went quite a thoughtful expression gracing her features. "You ok?" Brown eyes met green "oh yes yes, I was just wondering about the other night, you know when I got back from the hospital wing" "yeah I remember" A breathe of fresh air exited and entered her lungs quickly in an almost nervous fashion. "Well I was really tired and confused" "yeah" "I just wanted to make sure I didn't say anything strange to you" she chuckled again apprehensive and shy, something that I was not used to with her.  "no not really" She smiled some of the awkwardness fading away "ok good"

We walked in peaceful silence for a while through the blustery halls then finally made it outside onto the grounds and all the way down to the black lake. "I certainly wouldn't like to go swimming in there today, it looks freezing" Hermione commented looking down into the dark water and wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck. "It's freezing in summer let alone in winter" I knew from experience.

"Give me a second" Hermione said. I looked at her confused. Pulling out her wand she whispered a spell and I watched as the grass in front on her folded and flowered into a large weaved picnic blanket which she then proceeded to sit on patting the spot next to her. "There we go" I sat down facing the lake. "Perfect spot for revision". I faked a groan "I knew there was a reason you wanted to go for a walk"

About an hour passed, with just the two of us reading though Hermione's text books. "Oh no" "What is it?," I asked. "I think it's raining" Hermione replied facing her palms up to the sky to feel for raindrops. Suddenly the rain started getting much heavier. "I think we better go" I nodded laughing as the rain poured and I heard thunder. We quickly gathered Hermione's books into her bag and set off walking the way back to the castle. We got about three hundred metres away when it became hard to see and hear through the rain pounding into the ground. I grabbed Hermione's hand as we sprinted and stumbled our way into the hallway gasping for breath and roaring with laughter.

When I could finally breath I spoke up "That was actually really fun"  "I haven't run like that in ages!" Hermione agreed sliding down the stone wall and rain still hammering down as I joined her our knees touching. "Yeah I think I might just need a minute, I've got a serious stitch" I chuckled. Hermione laughed "I need to do more exercise, the only exercise I do is running to class" I nudged her shoulder with mine "you could join the quidditch team" "I really don't think that's a good idea Harry do you?" She sniggered. "Probably not"

Once we caught our breath, we decided to go to the common room to dry off as we were walking I spoke up, "Have you thought about the summer yet?" I looked over at Hermione as we proceeded sopping wet through the school. She frowned "What about summer?"  "You know where your going to live and stuff while we sort our lives out"  There was a pause before she answered "No not really, I've been so caught up with the past lately that I forgot about the future" I let out a low chuckle, now it was my turn to be nervous. I averted my gaze from hers and started "Well if your stuck, only if you want to, Grimmald place is technically mine now and it's just going to be me, you don't have to say yes , I'm not really asking I'm just saying that-" I was stopped short by a hand on my arm "Harry I would love to"
"Are you sure because I would understand if you-" "Harry" she repeated firmly "I would love to come and live with you" A large grin broke out on my face mirroring Hermione's "Ok"

Suddenly the sound of various teachers including Professors McGonagal and Sprout could be heard just around the corned from Hermione and I. She looked at me frantically gesturing to the wet foot prints we had been leaving. Just at the last second I saw an alcove and we jumped into it together , staying as still and as quite as possible. Once the teachers were a safe distance away we burst out laughing my stitch returning. When our laughter died down I noticed the almost nonexistent space between us. Hermione was pressed up firmly against my chest her face close to the crook of my shoulder . "Sorry" I apologised awkwardly trying not to think about her breath on my neck or the intoxicating smell of lavender and rain that she gave off. She blushed profusely and slid out of the small space almost reluctantly.

After our whirlwind of an afternoon we made it back to the common room to find Ron and Luna sat by the fire. We stepped through the painting still dripping with water from the rain. When Ron causally commented "I'm not going to even ask what you two have been up to" Hermione once again blushed a deep colour I could feel my ears going red. After he said it I took a quick glance at Hermione not knowing she was doing the same thing, our eyes met and I smiled watching her return the smile her eyes once again ablaze with something I couldn't quite put my finger on.
Hiya, it is currently exactly 00:32 in the morning and I am dead weight , Thank god for spell check! (I will proof read this tomorrow dw) I hope everyone (where ever you are) is ok and safe and well. As normal please vote and comment and all that other good stuff.
Never-eat-pears :)

(P.s I proof read this at 7:00 so I am sorry if there are lots of errors *face palm*)

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