Part 17

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Harry's POV

Ron was sat slumped in one of the common room arm chairs his head drooping forward, a telltale sign that he was nearly asleep. I felt my eyes start to close too as I sat on the other arm chair across from him our game of wizards chess forgotten. It was getting on to about three weeks since Hermione had the seizure and she wasn't getting any better. Although he never would admit it, Ron was starting to lose hope and slowly so was I.

The days seemed long and pointless and the nightmares that followed were becoming harder to keep at bay. Ron and I seemed to bicker more than usual probably because he didn't have Hermione to banter with anymore. It was weird without her, Ron and I just didn't quite know what to say to each other. It's strange how at the start we didn't want her as a friend, we even pushed her away, but now it has become obvious that without her our friendship probably wouldn't have survived and let's face it neither would we. Hermione Granger the woman who holds the golden trio together, the brightest one of all of us, the glue that somehow kept us together through thick and thin.

I rested my head on the back of the chair sighing slowly, trying to let sleep calm my racing mind. I finally gave in, my eyes closing, the quiet roaring of the fire pulling my mind deeper and deeper down.

I suddenly woke up with a start as the fat lady swung open bellowing "Get up you lazy idiots!" and revealed a flustered looking Ginny.

"Madame Pomfrey..." she panted "she thinks she knows what's wrong with Hermione"
I stood straight up my mind whirling. "We have to go talk to her.Ron wake up"


"Ron get up! It's Hermione! We have to get to the hospital wing"

As three of us rushed down the corridor pushing past people urgently. We passed Luna and Neville on the way and explained what was happening, they quickly followed.

As we were running a shrill voice came from behind us. "What do you think your doing running around you should be heading to your common rooms"

It was McGonagal "Sorry Professor it's Hermione Madame Pomfrey thinks she knows what's wrong with her" I half shouted still hurrying away from her.

"Very well then"

We got around the corner when Ron piped up "Wait I know a short cut, it's just behind that tapestry if I remember correctly"

Ginny looked pessimistic "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I saw it on the Marauders Map"

"The what?"

We don't have time for this I said silently. Luna looked at me as though she was thinking the same thing. "I think we should follow Ronald."
He smiled back at her lovingly.

"Right let's go!" We pulled back the tapestry and sure enough there was an alley we went down it and finally we ended up in the hospital wing and found Madame Pomfrey.

"Good your here, merlins beard that was quick"

"So what's wrong with her Professor?" I pressed.

"Well it seems that Dolohov used a spell called occultatum dolor, which basically means hidden pain. When the patient is given medicine the curse is somewhat activated without the wizard who inflicted it having to do a thing, but it works as violently as a spell cast directly at the victim. It is almost impossible to identify Hermione won't have even known that he cast it." She explained.

Ginny spoke up first worried about her friend. "So can you help her? Can you stop the spell?"

"Yes, now that I have identified the curse I can expose its format and produce a counter spell. If it had another day then it would have been too advanced and unstoppable. So I need to get to work now."

"We'll leave you too it then and come back in the morning." Ron said to her nodding.

The others all agreed and made to leave.
"You coming mate?" I glanced up smiling slightly at my best friend  "I might stay"

He gave me an almost sympathetic look and nodded wrapping his arm around Luna's shoulder and leading her out Neville doing the same with Ginny.

Neville stopped for a second and opened his mouth deliberating his next words carefully, finally he spoke "Harry, you've lost so much, don't let her go, tell her." He turned around to follow Ginny.

"Tell her what?"

"How you feel"

He left before I could say anything back.

How did I feel? What did I feel? I had never given my feelings for Hermione much thought until the current events happened. I had always known that I cared for her, loved her even but I only allowed myself to look at her like a sister mostly for Ron's sake. Ron's with Luna now though a small voice said in the back of my head. As Madame Pomfrey offered to let me sleep in one of the infirmary beds near Hermione's I accepted gratefully and she lead me down towards the beds.

"She's just over here I moved her to the long term patient room a while ago" the Professor said.

"Thank you so much Professor"

"No  problem"

I took off my robe so I was in my shirt and trousers then kicked on my boots and got into bed. From this position I could just glance at Hermione's face, her skin dappled in moon light, her expression peaceful and almost content. I wouldn't have any nightmares tonight. 


Sooooo, that's another chapter up people. I re-read the whole story today and realised that is become a bit of a drag :\ So this is me starting to lighten up the mood during the upcoming chapters. I am ashamed to say that I had a bit of a blank on why I ship these two so much but then I found a video that some wonderful human had made with Harry and Hermione's best bits (from the films) Don't worry my faith in humanity and harmione is back :) this is me thanking the person that made that video you saved this story, Lmao. 

Anyway as always please tell me what you think, where I should take this next, if your enjoying it all that good stuff. Im always up for a chat if you want to talk to someone other than your dog, or your confused Grandma on Zoom during quarantine drop me a comment. (never-eat-pears) Nev x 

Oh sorry p.s I also just want to say thank you to @HermioneGrangerBFF  for the lovely comments on my last chapters. its nice to know someone is enjoying my mad stories :) 

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