Part 32

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Hermione's pov

"Bye! I love you, have a lovely Christmas" I shouted to Ginny and Luna as they boarded the Hogwarts Express, Ron and Neville still chatting to Harry.

The loud booming voice of the conductor hollered over the noise of crowd., "Everyone on the train! The train goes in two minutes" 

Neville looked worried running on to the train saying a last goodbye to Harry and I. Meanwhile Ron shrugged his shoulders and carried on talking to Harry.

"Everyone on the train!" The conductor said again a spell increasing the volume of her voice.

"Ronald Weasley your going to miss the train!" I shouted, running up to my two best friends.

"I suppose I should be off then Harry. Have a great holiday and you Hermione."

"See you soon" Harry added pulling him into a hug.

I  smiled at them and found myself trying to swallow a lump in my throat. "Have a wonderful Christmas Ron and say hello to everyone from us. We'll see you in the New Year"

"Yeah see you next year" Ron smiled back before hugging me as well.

It started out awkward, I wasn't expecting it but after a moment I threw my arms around him returning the embrace. There was nothing between us anymore just a bond of friendship which couldn't be broken by anything (even teenage drama).

As I pulled away I noticed Ron was laughing to himself he turned to both Harry and I and said suggestively "Have fun you two", and then turned pointedly to Harry "not too much fun though"

I slapped him hard on the arm stifling a laugh.

I looked at Harry in mock horror and then in a shrill (fake) voice gasped "Ronald Bilius Weasley the audacity!", before quickly adding "now get on that train before you have to go via broom, or worse flying car to your mother's!"

"I'm going, I'm going!"

He disappeared for a second after stepping on to the train and then reappeared waving at the window along with Ginny, Luna and Neville.

I brought my arm up waving to them all as the train slowly picked up speed and left the station. A moment passed, the smoke billowing off into the distance. Harry took my hand slowly, intertwining his fingers with mine. I could feel his eyes on me. His gaze making my breathing falter for a beat.

Turning to him I looked right back. My stare meeting his, a startling intensity growing. Sets of emerald green and brown eyes challenging each other. Feelings catching like wild fire.

He spoke first. "To the castle Miss Granger?" A lopsided grin suddenly spreading across his features.

I couldn't help but laugh at the pretence "Why of course Mr Potter"

We walked back up to the common room and settled down, Harry trying to teach me how to play wizards chess (for the fifth time) and eventually giving up leaving us to sit in front of the fire. My back propped up against the armchair Harry was sitting in, his hand playing with my hair while I read.  My head resting on his knee. Both of us falling slowly asleep.

I knew this wouldn't be a normal Christmas, with all that we had lost that would impossible for a while. But I knew for a fact that we would get through it, the same way we had since we met, together. Always.

The end.

The end.... of the first book :)

So that's the end of threats! I hoped you like the ending I found it hard but I wanted it to be simple.



I really hope you have liked reading threats as much as I have loved writing it. It's been a long time, I started this story at around the same time last year.

One last thing, I just want to say thank you so so so much to all the lovely people who have shown support for this story. All the amazing messages and helpful comments. Everyone has been so nice  when I've made stupid mistakes or taken ages to bring out another chapter. So THANK YOU!.

Watch out for the nargles,

Never-eat-pears :)

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