Part 23

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Harry's pov

Ron and I were slouched at the back of our divination class having a chat the professor droning on at the front. "I'm so stuck mate" "So stuck on what?" I asked. "On what to get Luna for Christmas, I have 14 days and I have no bloody clue what to get her"  Ron was going to Bill and Fleur's for Christmas  with the rest of their family and Luna was going stay with them for a couple days and then head down home for Christmas with her father. "Um well we can apparate somewhere after dinner tonight, walk out to the forest, maybe to diagon alley or Hogsmeade." "Yeah ok that's a good idea" he said looking a bit less worried.  "I need to get some presents too now I think about it"  The Professor spoke up from the front "Now everyone look in your tea leaves, what do you see?"

I looked down into the cup and glanced at Ron's unamused expression. Putting on a vacant dreamy  voice I said "What do YOU see in the tea leaves, Ronald?"  "I'm going to see your face in them if you don't shut up and let me go to sleep" He laughed his sarcastic tone failing towards the end. I sniggered pointing into the cup. "I think that looks like a seagull, that there looks like a person, that looks like the outline of Peru and that looks like a fish, what do you reckon that means?" "I think that a man in Peru is gonna get his chips stolen by a seagull and then is going to fall off the side into the sea and end up swallowing a fish" he said seriously I replied in the dreamy voice again "very good observation Ronald, you will go far..." We burst out laughing earning a stern glance from the teacher.

Ron roared tears welling up in his eyes from laughter " I think I learnt how to sleep with my eyes open in that lesson. You should have seen his face Harry , when you said very good observation Ronald I was gone totally gone". "I know me too from then on I couldn't stop laughing" We both sniggered relishing the childish act of taking the piss. Just then Hermione appeared behind me. "What are you two giggling about?" Ron replied puffing his chest out slightly "We weren't giggling we were laughing, like real men" This made me laugh harder a stitch forming in my side, the same reaction coming from Hermione a wide smile gracing her face which made her brown eyes sparkle.

After about two minutes I managed to get a hold of my laughter. "We are going to apparate somewhere tonight to buy presents. If you could possibly cover for us if needed that would be great" Hermione sighed nodding slowly "Yes but this is the last time, I'm not getting in trouble because of you two again. Especially if it's nothing dangerous" Ron spoke up first "Dont worry Hermione we will get back before curfew you probably won't even have to lie to a teacher" "Probably, that's reassuring Ronald" she continued "Dont worry, of course I'll cover for you" I looked her in the eye smiling "Thank you Hermione"  "Yeah thanks H'mi'ny" Ron added chewing on a tough bit of toffee he had found in his pocket during divination. Hermione's eyes met mine as a cheeky grin spread across her face and she said "Your very welcome" in a melodic voice  then added "Harry" on the end pointedly not looking at Ron. She then explained that she had some extra work to finish for McGonagal and span around heading to the dorms. "Mad that girl is, absolutely mad" Ron shook his head. I recalled a quote from somewhere 'we are all mad, bonkers, but you know what? The best people are"

The winter wind whipped through the trees in the forbidden forest making the leaves dance and swirl as if lifted by magic. Tall trees towered above me opening up to let the blue gleam trickle through dappling the forest floor with glistening streaks of moonlight. From my left I heard a twig snap, I turned drawing my wand bracing myself for the possible impact, my breathing quickened and my heart pumped faster adrenaline flowing through my veins a whisper of a protection spell on my lips. I saw a dark figure from behind one of the trees and quickly hid ready to strike first. The footsteps came closer until they were right behind me turning in one swift movement I aimed at my opponent shouting "Expelliarmus!".

To my surprise it was not a wand which flew out of the person's hands it was a brown bag of toffees. And an alarmed voice shouted "Bloody Hell! Harry?!!" It was Ron. I stepped out from the tree "I am so sorry. I thought you were someone else" looking down I realised my hands were violently shaking I quickly placed them behind my back but Ron saw. "It's ok mate it was just a mistake, no harm done" He paused an awkward silence passing between us "we should get going" "Diagon Alley?" "Yeah sounds good, see you there" "Sure" I replied readying myself to be sucked up and spat back out again in the hidden wizarding section of London.

Thank you so much for all the kind and lovely messages about the last chapter and the story in general. I'm not gonna lie I thought my Wattpad app had broken and was counting notifications twice 😂

I hope you keep on enjoying the story and keep on doing what your doing it's amazing:))
Never-eat-pears :)

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