Part 25

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Harry's pov

"Ah come on Hermione's just having fun, she deserves it after all the stuff she's gone through recently" Ginny reasoned with me while I cast a worried glance at a particularly clever frizzy haired witch. "Ok,I just don't want anything to go badly" "Its just a couple drinks Harry, she can handle herself"
I nodded shaking off the deep worry eating at my gut.

"Speak of the devil" out of the corner of my eye I could just see a tipsy cinnamon brown eyed girl stumble into view. "Gin I've been looking for you... oh hello Harry I haven't seen you in while how are you?" She rambled her mouth for once going faster than her hyper intelligent mind. I started to speak and tell her I was good but she interrupted me talking at the same unintelligible pace. "Isn't it nice, this party I mean, all the people they're so lovely, like you are Ginny and you Harry, your very lovely your my favourite person. Yes my favoritist person possibly ever."

I could tell that the tips of my ears were going red as her praise made my stomach flip. Although she was obviously pretty tipsy I hoped that there was some truth behind her words. "Ur thanks Mione" "Oh it's no problem Harry. Because your my favourite person would you dance with me?" I smiled confused "But Hermione there's no music" She leaned in towards me as if to divulge a scandalous secret "Oh I know, but we don't need any music. Come on Harry James Potter dance with me"

I love it when she calls me by my full name I thought being dragged through the crowd, it's demanding and kinda hot. WAIT WHAT, nope I didn't mean that, I definitely did not mean that. I meant it's ... nice.

My confused mind was abruptly pulled out of my confused thoughts as Hermione dragged me by the arm to a space in the crowd. She smiled up at me taking my hand in hers dancing in an unrecognisable style, something between disco, the waltz and possibly the Charleston. I laughed at her deciding to join in, I looped my arm around her waist, her hand on my shoulder and we danced back and forth with our hands joined out in front of us, to the imaginary music. Our awkward movements similar to those that night in our tent.

I was becoming more aware of a small crowd forming around us, Ginny, Neville, Luna and Ron somewhere in the mix, but Hermione was blissfully unaware. From somewhere in the corner of the room a certain Seamus Finnigan shouted " melodiam vivere locusand waved his wand making music play from all around us. Suddenly the small crowd of people had turned into just about everyone in the common room, but Hermione didn't seem to care as she laughed at the introduction of the music.

Looking at Hermione's glee I shook of my insecurities about the crowd and kept on dancing keeping my eyes trained on her face, her eyes and her smile. Soon I too completely forgot about the people watching and on the last couple of beats I spun her around three times and finally dipped her down I front of me leaning over our noses touching for just a second. There was cheering from our fellow Gryffindors as I tripped over my foot and fell forward Hermione and I landing in a heap on the floor, laugher erupting from my chest. "That was really fun" I heaved trying to breath between laughing.

After a loud bout of raucous laughter the crowd of drunks had dispersed leaving only our little group left. Ron walked over clapping "That was hysterical" he chuckled as he helped Hermione and I up. Ginny came up from behind him talking to Hermione "See I told you you'd have fun"  Hermione giggled rather loudly then covered her mouth looking appalled at the sound. "Your hilarious when your drunk Hermione" Neville said laughing. Hermione crossed her arms in front of her looking a little embarrassed "I'm not drunk I'm just a little tipsy" she said her ever present bossy side coming through. Chuckling at her friend Ginny wrapped her arms around Hermione and grabbed Luna, smiling mischievously she said "We're going to change that, starting right now". The platinum haired girl and the curly brown haired girl were then tugged to the drinks table by their ginger haired friend.

About two hours later most of the supporters had stumbled back to their respective dorms leaving only  a small group of people left.

Ron (who surprisingly wasn't drunk off his head) Neville and I were stood watching the girls dancing. Hermione was in the middle, she was wearing my chudley cannons hoodie Ron gave me over some jeans, she had looked cold earlier on. "I've been meaning to ask you mate" "hmm" I replied to Ron "When did you realise you have a thing for Granger?" I spun around to face him snapped out of my reverie "Wha?!" I spluttered "Where did you get that from? Who said that?" Ron rolled his eyes slightly glancing at Neville both of them laughing at some inside joke. "Come on Harry we all know it's true. Your being pretty obvious about it" Neville chuckled.  "Yeah mate you'd have to be as blind as my aunt Mildred not to see"  I sighed "I don't know. I've been feeling different around her. Actually that's not true I think I've always felt like this it's just nearly losing her for the umpteenth time has made me see things" I rubbed my hand behind my neck " It's made me see things as they really are"

Ron slapped a hand on my back cheerfully "That's great" "Your not, you know, angry or anything?" He looked at me thinking his words through carefully "Hermione and I, there was something there, sure but only briefly, we never could have worked in the long run and if I'm being honest I don't think either of us really truly wanted it to work out." He stole a look at Luna "I think both of us were made for someone else"  He walked over to her nodding at me. I couldn't help but feel the sharp pang of jealousy bite at my emotions, not because he had Luna but because of how simple it was and how happy they were.

Neville studied me, he had grown up remarkably fast not just physically but mentally during the past two years, in to one of the nicest bravest people I had ever met, what I didn't realise is the amount of knowledge he had gained. Without turning to look at me he spoke "Its not as complicated as you think. She may be your best friend but that means that you already know each other inside and out. It's actually simpler that way" "But how do I know if she feels the same?" He looked at me as if I was really very very dumb and who knows maybe I was. "Like I said you know each other inside and out. You know her better than anyone even herself" He then smiled at me and grabbed Ginny from behind making her jump as they laughed and she kissed him.

I made eye contact with Hermione from across the room. I hope she feels the same way I thought watching her saunter over a spark in her eye which I knew wasn't just from the firewhiskey, because forget Voldemort that girl right there is going to be the death of me.

Hello *waves*

When I decided to write a party/celebration scene I really didn't expect it to be more than one chapter, but I keep on thinking of things to write about :)
So by the looks of it the Gryffindor celebrations will probably continue into the next chapter, but no more than one more chapter. I hope thats ok with everyone.

Please continue to comment and vote.

I have been mulling over the idea of a sequel I would love it if anyone has any points in Harry and Hermione's future they would like me to write from (I was thinking from living together maybe idk) to let me know.

Sorry for the long Author's Note I just wanted to get that out there.
Never-eat-pears :)

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