Part 16

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Harry's POV

It had been about a week now, I was visiting Hermione as much as I could. In my breaks, at lunch, in between lessons, after school, whenever I could. I wanted, no needed to be with her when she woke up, she would be confused and probably scared too. Ginny ,Luna and Ron were visiting her a lot, I sometimes went with them but it was calmer, peaceful even when it was just the two of us.

The potion that Madame Pomfrey had given her effectively put her into a coma and until she got better she would have to stay like that.

I was currently sat at one of the long tables in the great hall eating dinner with Ron, Luna and Neville. The floating candles flicked light around the room illuminating the dark crevasses. It reminded me of the words Dumbledore had said all those years ago, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times" he had said "If one only remembers to turn on the light". After the war I truly believed in those words, that good would triumph evil and all that. But now I don't know, we turned on the light we killed the source of the darkness but even now it seems to still follow me, it follows Hermione, Ron ,everyone.

"Are you ok there Harry?" Luna asked eyeing my vacant expression carefully, watching my deep thoughts grow smaller.
"Ah yeah I'm good, how are you?" I said.
Ron butted in before she could answer "What do you mean you've been sat with us for the last hour"
"Yeah sorry I'm a bit out of it" I paused sighing trying to keep it together "I've got some um homework due for tomorrow... so I'm gonna head off to bed, Night guys". I stood up nodding to them as I went.

My footsteps made almost no sound as I floated down the hallway, to the common room and up the stairs to bed . Hogwarts seemed to become quieter somehow after the war the school was different almost in morning. A lonely castle on a hill that once watched terrors and nightmares unfold, now sits still the seasons just flashing by.



How is everyone doing? Sorry for the short chapter I wanted to get one out soon. It's a bit strange atm what with being in quarantine and all but it does mean that (other than school) I have loads of free time to write!!! I hope your enjoying the story, I'm enjoying writing it. You may have noticed I have changed my username but it's still me. As ever please comment and vote.
Nev x (never-eat-pears)

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