Part 24

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Harry's pov

Shouts of pride were being screamed in the common room "GRYFFINDOR! GO GO, GRYFFINDOR!" We has just played a tough game against Slytherin, winning by a very small margin.  I was stood near the edge of the crowd by the fire watching the celebrations unfold. Luna was in the middle with Ron, only visible because of the lion hat on her head (she supported Gryffindor when we were against Slytherin). Neville was having a chat with a young second year student who seemed a bit overwhelmed and Ginny was being lifted up onto Liam Nicklesons shoulders and was being paraded around the room. She deserved it, her shot won us the game.

I shifted on my feet scanning the swarm of people for my bushy haired friend of nearly 7 years. I spotted her trying to get through the crowd a large book held tightly to her chest. She looked up swerving around the party goers muttering quite excuse me's to no one in particular. "Hermione, over here" I yelled over the noise, waving my hand in the air slightly. She smiled looking relieved and hurried over to me.

"It's quite..." "Sorry what was that?" I yelled to her. I watched her laugh and repeat the sentence "I said: It's quite loud in here, isn't it" "Oh, ha yes it's pretty loud"  She opened her mouth as if to say something but I didn't hear what, she then shook her head laughing again and pointed to a small room leading off the main sitting area. I nodded to show that I understood and made my way through the crowd, a small current going up my spine as Hermione took my hand, making sure we didn't get split up.

The room was way quieter than the rest of the party and there were only a few people in there (although most of them could not be described as sober). "That's better" Hermione muttered. "Ah I can hear you now" She smiled looking more comfortable now we were away from the crowd. "You played well today" "Thanks, I was a bit out of it today to be honest, but quidditch always snaps me back" I replied truthfully.

Hermione was the one person I felt I could be unashamedly honest with, she would never judge me, she always understands what I was feeling and most importantly she had a way of making everything feel so much better.

She looked at me sincerity pouring from her big brown eyes and said softly "I get what you mean, it's the same with me and reading. They take you away from reality and it makes everything a little bit more bearable, even if it is just for an hour or so"  I nodded, pausing and deliberated my next words carefully, after a second I spoke up. "Hows that going? Is everything getting a bit more manageable I mean?" She turned away slightly, biting her lip, her expression wavering. "I don't know, sometimes I think it is. I mean it certainly was but that was before..." her words trickled off as a tear did the same tracing down her cheek.

My heart ached for her, the need to hold her close growing strong in the pit of my stomach. I lifted my fingers slowly up to her cheek lightly brushing away the salty tear,  even the small contact caused electricity to spark through my skin and it seemed, as though it was the same for her because at the light touch I swore I heard her breathing hitch and her eyes fluttered shut. I whispered a regretful I'm sorry, as she took my hand which was cupped to her cheek and placed hers on top looking deep into my eyes. "How many times must I tell you this, Harry James Potter it was not and it will never be your fault" her words were forceful and sympathy radiated from them. Her face was so close to mine if a moved even a millimetre her lips would be on mine. Her eyes darted down to my mouth as though she had read my mind, the idea of it tantalisingly close to reality. I shook the thought off quickly telling myself that she would not like that. "We better go see what the others are doing" I diverted grabbing her hand, reluctantly taking mine off her cheek and pulled her forward back into the main section of the Gryffindor common room.

It turned out that someone had snuck some firewhiskey into the celebration and after saying hello to everyone Hermione, Ron, Ginny and I made our way to the table with the drinks. "I cannot believe that someone brought alcohol. It's so irresponsible" Hermione scoffed whilst the ginger girl next to her grabbed her arm and whispered something in her ear. Hermione blushed bright pink and she hissed "Ginny!" whilst laughing slightly, shocked by the other girls words. "So?" Ginny pressed smirking secretively at Hermione. "Yes ok" Ginny's smirk turned into a wide grin. "What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked already holding a glass of firewhiskey in his hand. "Nothing Ron, stop being nosey" The fellow red head shot back, Ron's curiosity once again making Hermione go red.

Suddenly, with a somewhat determined look on her face, Hermione strolled over to the drinks table, poured her self a shot of firewhiskey and (with a apprehensive look) downed it in one. "Woah" I said rushing over to her as she coughed "Blimey Hermione!" Ron exclaimed also walking over. Ginny on the other hand laughed and shouted a shocked "Go Hermione!!". Hermione then turned around and poured herself another one. "Maybe you should slow down a bit?" She ignored me walking over to Ginny an almost too wide grin plastered onto her face. Hermione then passed the drink to Ginny who took the shot and then Accioed the bottle of firewhiskey and a glass into her hands, poured it and then once again downed the alcohol. Her Cheshire Cat smile not quite reaching the deep brown of her eyes.

Sooo, yeah Hermione is going on a drinking spree (sorrrry) I wanted to show a different side of the traumatic experience she is going through (I'm not going to call it PTSD because I don't know enough about that)  but don't worry because before that there's gonna be some funny drunk Hermione :)

I am thinking of finishing the story soon and maybe writing a sequel?

I don't know, please tell me if your up for that idea or not
Never-eat-pears :)

One more thing THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR 6k READS!! As Ron (and I) would say BLOODY  HELL I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! !!! : O :)

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