i. intro/christmas story

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Hey guys! This part 1 of our crush x reader series. My friend and I decided to make this because we were bored lol. These stories are fluff only! We do not repost other people's stories! In Honor of Christmas , we have a Christmas story for you. We hope you enjoy the story!

C/N: your crushes name
Y/N: your name
Y/F/N: your friends name
C/F/N: your crushes friend name

Your pov
"I just want C/N to notice me. Sometimes I just feel invisible." I tell Y/F/N as we're walking to class " Hey, do you think C/N and I would be a good couple?" Y/F/N makes a thinking face, then responds; " Yeah, you guys would be really cute." I feel my cheeks heating up. When all of a sudden C/N walks up to and says

"Hey, do you want to study today for the physics final before winter break?" Y/F/N nudges you while you stand there blanking. " She'll be at Starbucks at 4:00, bye." Y/F/N says and pulls you to class.

" What just happened?...." I ask my friend still daydreaming about him." C/N just asked you to study with him, at Starbucks at 4 pm, and I had to say yes for you." Y/F/N explained. " What?! It was probably soo embarrassing! Ugh, why do I always freeze when he's talking to me?" I groan in agony.

When we finally got to class, I couldn't focus the whole time. I kept staring at C/N, imagining what it would be like if we were a coupl- No Y/N! Stop thinking like that! I thought to myself. After the last period, I walked home and changed. I got dressed in something casual, but still cute. I got in my car and drove to Starbucks.

C/N's pov
When I was walking to my last period, I came across Y/N and her friend. She's so beautiful I thought as I approached her. She looked so nervous, it was so cute. I needed help studying, and I wanted to get closer to Y/N.

" Hey, do you want to study today for the physics final after the break?" I asked with confidence. Meanwhile, Y/N looked blank. She just stood there, stiff, and still. Did I scare her? Did I come off too strong? I think to myself. Y/N's friend nudged her, and said " She'll be at Starbucks at 4, bye." Then they both walked off.

As I'm walking home, I see F/N. " Hey F/N, guess what I did?" I say. " You got in a fight?" He asks. " No, I asked Y/N on a study date." F/N's eyes widen. " The girl you've thought is cute since middle school, you guys would be cute, and I think she likes you." He says. " Well hopefully, and I'm gonna find out today at Starbucks." We both walk home together, then I go home, get dressed, and head over to Starbucks.

Your pov
As I walk into Starbucks, I see C/N sitting down, taking out notes. He looks so cute. He's wearing a different outfit from when we were at school. Did he get dressed for me? I thought to myself. I walked behind him quietly, trying to scare him, when he turns around and spills his ice-cold water all over me. " *gasp* omg that's so cold!" C/N cupped his hands over his mouth.

" I am so sorry Y/N!" C/N says. "It's fine, it was my fault, I was the one trying to scare you." I explain. " Are you cold?" C/N asks as he takes off his sweatshirt. I know that I'll be fine, but I know I can't pass this up, and Y/F/N would be mad if I don't say yes. I think to myself. " Yeah, it's freezing in here." I say as I sit next to him, and take out my computer. Is this really happening? I think. C/N stands up and wraps his sweatshirt around me. "Thank you, I feel better."

After a few hours, we both decided we needed to get home. We gathered all of our stuff and got ready to go. We walked to the door and we just looked at each other. C/N looked around when he saw I noticed the awkwardness in the air, and him staring. " I never noticed how many Christmas decorations they put up here, it's so peaceful when no ones here." C/N said. As we were both about to leave, I noticed I still had C/N sweatshirt on.

" Oh, I still have your sweatshirt on." I say as I'm taking it off. "Keep it, you look better in it anyway." C/N says and I see him starting to blush. My cheeks start getting hot as I look up and see mistletoe. I look away quickly trying not to notice. He notices I saw something then looks up and smiles. " Y/N, I've wanted to tell you something all day. I like you. I've liked you since middle school but never had the heart to tell you because I was worried you wouldn't feel the same. I would watch you walk down the halls." He says and I can tell he's nervous.

I take a step forward. " C/N I've liked you for forever. Every time you would talk to me, my heart would beat a million times a minute. I would always stare at you in class wondering if you would ever be mine. I would lay in bed thinking about our little conversations in the past, and how they are special to me. I just assumed you liked someone else and didn't really pay attention to anything I did. I can't believe this is happening." I confess. I stare at his lips while I put his face in my hands and I feel like our hearts are beating together. He pulls my waist close to his, and I kiss him, and he kisses me back. After a few seconds, we let go, and our eyes meet.

" I can't tell you how long I've waited to do that with you, will you be my girlfriend?" C/N asks. My heart melts. " Of course I will." I respond. C/N kisses me on the cheek and whispers in my ear, " Goodnight princess." I see him walk off and I walk the other direction. When I'm finally home and get to my room, I close the door and jump in bed. This all happened because of some mistletoe and a study date. 2020 is going to be a good year. I think to myself and I just can't stop smiling.

Maya and I are super proud of this one! We wish everyone Happy Holidays and happy new years ! brownskin_maya and I are the writers of this series, and made this chapter!

- 1157 words

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