xxii. missing

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Request for @GMScelts

I was in class, asleep. It was math class, but for some reason, my teacher didn't wake me up. Unfortunately, I lost my pet yesterday. I was coming home, and my mom told me that she wasn't in the house. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder.

  "Y/N." Someone called my name, so I got up from laying my head on the desk. I slumped in my chair, noticing that it was C/N. "Hey, are you okay?" He said, bringing me into a hug. My head was buried in his chest. I wrapped my arms around him. After the hug I said. "Not really. My dog ran away." I said sadly. C/N looked glum.

    "Well, how about I come over after school so we can put up posters?" He proposed. My jaw almost fell to the floor. "You'd do that?" I asked eagerly. "Of course." C/N said. "Okay. You can walk with me to school." I responded thankfully.

   After school, C/N and I walked through the door of our home. My mom (or guardian) was in the kitchen. C/N walked over to my mom and said: "Hello Mrs. Y/L/N I'm C/N." He said and held his hand out. My mom looked shocked. Bamboozled even.  "Hello C/N! Nice to meet you, sweetie." She said sweetly and shook his hand. "Mom, he's here to help. He wants to help me put up posters for P/N (pet's name)." I explained. "Okay cool!" My mom said and winked at me. I mentally smacked your head.

   C/N and I went upstairs to my room. He sat on my bed while I looked for markers and paper. "So, what was P/N like?" C/N asked. I went to my desk to set the supplies down. "Well, I've had them since I was little. They're the best (pet) anyone could ever ask for. I love them so much." I explained. "Well, let's get down to business." C/N said.

  That night, we spent too many hours working on posters. I printed out a picture of the pet, wrote down my email, and put posters all over the neighborhood.

   I walked into school the next day, and I spotted C/N. He walked up to me and waved. "Hi Y/N. Any such luck?" He asked. I shook my head. "Well, it's only the first day. I'll come back every day this week to check for you." C/N proposed. "Sure." I responded. The truth was, I had the biggest crush on Y/N. But it wouldn't ever tell him.

  On Tuesday, we walked to my house, made a few more posters, checked emails, and talked. But mostly talked. C/N and I would talk about anything and everything. We'd have really deep conversations. I also gave him my number. He'd stay really late, then go back home.

  Tuesday night, he texted me.

C/N ♡                                       

Hey Y/N.                                             Y/N ☆

Hey C/N! Thanks for the help today!                                           

C/N ♡   

No problem! See you tomorrow :)

                                                 Y/N ☆

                                        You too!

  I put my phone on the dresser and went to bed.

      For the next couple of days, we basically just hung out in my room, but no one had found P/N.

On Friday, we went up to my room. I opened the door and plopped on my bed. Fridays were so long. My mom wasn't at the house. Work meeting.

   "C/N." I asked. "Yeah?" He answered. "What if P/N doesn't come back? Or no one finds them?" I ask, worrisome. C/N spins around to face me in the chair at my desk. "Y/N. P/N will come back. I promise." He said. "Y/N. Wanna know something?" C/N asked me. I nodded. "I think I'm falling for you." C/N declared. My jaw fell. "Same." I responded. I did well keeping it cool and trying not to fall out of my bed. After I said "same", my eyes fell and I went to sleep.

   "Y/N! Wake up. I heard barking at the front door!" C/N said to me as I sleepily got up. We ran downstairs and opened the door. P/N was at the front step, dirty, but still here. I laughed and ran up to P/N and hugged them tightly. C/N chuckled.

    "I guess our love made P/N come back." C/N said. I helped my pet in his arms, and gave C/N a kiss on the cheek and went back up to my room.

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