xiii. skipping

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                                     PSA:   THIS IS NOT ENCOURAGING YOU TO SKIP CLASS!

  You were on your way to the last period. On the way, you were staring off into space, not paying attention to anything around you. You walked and looked straight ahead, but your vision was slightly ahead of you: meaning that your frontal vision wasn't focused ( if that makes sense ). That's why you didn't see C/N when you bumped into them.

You had books in your hand, and chest bumped him so hard, you both fell down. You immediately got a quick glance at C/N, no matter how awkward it was. Flustered, you picked up your books and said: " Sorry." You felt C/N's stare as they said: " It's okay, let me help." You have got to be kidding me. You thought. Curse me and my day-dreaming self. C/N helped you pick up your textbooks and papers. Their hand swept over yours quickly when they were finished. C/N picked up the papers and handed them to you. " Thanks." You said as you took the school work from C/N and started to stand up.

" Well, I have to get to class, bye C/N." You say while backing the other way. You walk quickly to class, while you notice that nobody is in the hallway. You hear the bells ring and realize you're late for class. You run for the door when you remember that all teachers lock doors after the bells ring to know who's in class and who's not. You start walking around the halls when you see C/N sitting against the lockers. "Hey Y/N, you were late too?" C/N asks.

"Yeah, so what do you wanna do?" " I don't know, let's play a game." C/N suggests. "Do you wanna play truth or dare?" You ask. "Sure. Ok Y/N...do you like me?" Your face goes from smiley and immediately dropped. Your eyes widened. " Yeah." You said while avoiding eye contact with C/N. You sat with your legs crossed and stared at the floor.

You felt a hand on your chin. You looked, and C/N was using his fingers to make you look at him. C/N looked at you like you were his world. He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear and leans it. You scoot forward and you guys kissed. C/N put his hand on your back and rubbed it ( your back ).

You both stopped. " I like you too. " C/N said.



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