xxi. beach date

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AN: maya wrote this a while ago but im gonna try to post every day bc we're on quarantine :)

You get ready for your date with C/N. Your skips a million times a minute thinking about him. You check your phone for the weather and it says it's going to be pretty warm out. You pick a cute top with a long flowy skirt and some sandals. You walk out your front door heading to your car when you see some roses, a little stuffed bear and a card.

You pick up the card and it says, "Roses are red, Violets are blue, while I was planning this date I kept getting distracted cause I always ended up thinking about you. You read the card in awe and felt my cheeks getting hot. You dropped the gifts inside and walked to your car and started driving to the beach.

You parked your car by the beach as you noticed that the sun is about to start setting. You walked on the beach to find C/N standing on a blanket with a picnic basket filled with a bunch of fruit and treats. You walked up to him and stared in his eyes and never wanted to look away.

"You did this all for me? I can't believe you would do this for me." You said shocked while looking around at everything he had done. " I would do anything for you, I wouldn't replace you for the world Y/N." C/N said softly. You watched as his eyes went soft and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You watched as his body movements changed, and could tell he was genuine. 

   You pulled him close and kissed him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and felt his hands around your waist. You guys broke the kiss and gazed in each other's eyes. You felt the spark between the two of you and wanted it to last forever.

🌃💗-Time Skip-💗🌃

    You walk with C/N along the beach as the sunsets. Orange and yellow paint the sky, and it blends perfectly. You look as C/N's E/C shine in the sunlight. You start to hold his hand, but then you start to feel your hand get sweaty and let go. You think that you've messed things up when you feel C/N's hand grab onto yours and he's staring at you like you're the only person in the world. You keep walking along the beach when you both come along a lifeguard tower. 

   You climb up the tower and look down to see C/N right behind you. You climb up into the seat and C/N plops right beside. The wind starts to blow and you cover yourself and get annoyed that you forgot your jacket. C/N takes off his jacket and wraps around you when he notices you shivering. He wraps his arms around you and you cuddle your head on his chest.

AN: i also just posted the prologue for my new story 'l o s t f o r w o r d s' so if you wanna read it, go ahead ( it's about best friends that fall in love ). I'm also gonna be very busy with updating this every day, the other story, and school. So if I miss days, please don't hate me :)

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