x. in your arms

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"Y/N! Do you wanna do something Friday night?" Y/F/N asks eagerly. "Um sure, what did you have in mind, like a movie at my house, or going out to get some food?" you respond.  "Well, I was thinking, how about we go to C/F/N's party?" Y/F/N says hoping for the best.

     "You know I don't do parties, they make me feel uncomfortable." I respond. "Please, just do it for me. I heard that C/N wanted you to go." Y/F/N explained beggingly."I know you're just saying that so I'll go." I say. "No I actually heard that, but if you don't want to go then I get it, wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable.""How do you always manage to make me feel bad, like oh my god. Fine I'll go Y/F/N!.

    Y/F/N and I got dressed, and we took a lyft over to C/F/N's house.

                      ✩ 💗__Le time skip - brought to you by Zoe __💗✩

       Y/F/N took my hand as we walked up the stairs to C/F/N's house. Since Y/F/N and C/F/N were dating, Y/F/N had a key to their house. When they opened the door. It was magical. Though the party was just a small get together, it still felt like the night of my life. I had even dressed up, and I never dress up. I turned my head to where the voices were coming from and saw all my friends, and C/N sitting in the living room. Of course, C/N would be there. I thought.

     " Finally, you're here. Let's play now! " C/N said to you as you started to blush. " Play what?" C/F/N asks while getting onto a couch. There was only one seat left. It was next to C/N. I nervously went over to sit next to him. " We're playing seven minutes in heaven." I glare over at Y/F/N. She mouths "please!" I roll my eyes and agree to play. "Umm, Y/N should go in the closet with....." C/F/N says. I notice C/N signaling things to C/F/N and wondered if there was a chance that he could actually like you. "With C/N!" C/F/N blurts out.

      My eyes widen. No way. This isn't real. My best friend didn't just make me play with my crush. I make eye contact with C/N and get lost in his C/E/C eyes. He stands up and starts walking to the closet, when he opens the door, inviting me inside. I notice there are two boxes for us to sit on, and I sit down and watch as he sits down next to me. He starts looking around at everything in the room and slyly making eye contact. Us making eye contact then looking back was starting to last forever. Why is this so awkward! You can cut the tension in here with a knife! DO SOMETHING Y/N! I think to myself. "So, what do you want to do?" I ask boldly. " Well, what you're supposed to do is kiss here for seven minutes, but we don't have to do anything you don't want to do." he replies.

          "Do you wanna kiss in here?" I ask surprisingly. "Only if you want to." he says. "Well we can do it if that's what you wan-" I say, he interrupts me with a kiss. I was surprised at first, but I went with it.I felt so many emotions running through my body. He pulled me close and I felt like our hearts were in sync. We pulled apart and gazed into each other's eyes. "That was a lot better than us sitting here talking. I've always imagined doing it, better never thought you would turn into reality. You are the one I want to be with to have fun, watch movies, and make memories together and I can't imagine it any other way." C/N says dreamingly. I took a seat on one of the two boxes. " Me too. I've liked you for a while. I'd stare at you in class wondering if you'll ever be mine. I'd read romance novels and they remind me of you. I daydream of if we were a couple the fun we would have together." I said while putting my hand over his. I feel some tears building up in my eyes. " What's wrong?" C/N asks.

     "I just can't believe this is happening and it's like all my dreams are coming true." I explain while a single tear rolls down my cheek. " So.. are we a couple now?" C/N asked. I nodded. Someone opened the door and we quickly turned our heads. " Did it work?!" C/F/N asked with Y/F/N behind him wondering the same thing. C/N nodded and screams of joy flew through the air.

I was dreaming of this day for a long time. I'm finally in his arms.

TYSM for 270+ reads! We really appreciate it, and really want to write more often. We're both busy with schoolwork, but still want to keep writing. - Maya💗

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