vii. a new year

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* Y/N'S pov * "Y/F/N, what are you doing for New Years?" you asked. "Just hanging out with some cousins and other relatives, how about you?" Y/F/N responds. " My mom invited C/N and his family to be with us for New Years'." "What if we kiss at midnight!" you say excitedly. "It could happen, but you guys are best friends and you did just tell him you like him." Y/F/N asks. " Yeah, I can't get my hopes up too high." you said. You see C/N walking up to some of his friends and you see him look your way then quickly look away. Why did I tell him I like him? You just ruined your whole friendship Y/N! He'll never want to talk to you again, you're so stupid! You thought to yourself. " Y/N! Y/N! I've been here yelling at you for so long, what are you thinking about?" Y/F/N asks. " Just wondering why I ever told him I like him, I mean he left me on read so he saw the message but doesn't feel the same." You reply. You look over at him talking with his friends and a distraught look appears on your face. "Come on, let's go to class." you say.

*C/N's pov*

     I can't face Y/N now after she told me she liked me. Should I have left her on read? I don't want to lose my friendship with her. I feel like I'm catching feelings for her the more I hang out with her, but I don't think I could ever tell her. I thought. " Hey Y/F/N, Y/N told me she liked me last night and I don't know what to do. I mean I feel like I like her but I don't know how to tell her." I explained to C/F/N/. "C/N! If you like this girl then tell her." Y/F/N said. " We are actually gonna be hanging out for New Years'. Well, our families are." C/N explained. " It's perfect. Just do it!" C/F/N said. Out of the corner of my eye, you saw Y/N and Y/F/N talking. You stared at her for a moment. " Earth to C/N!" C/F/N said. " Sorry. Hey, let's just go to class." I said as I took one last glance at Y/N and her friend walking away. " Okay?" C/F/N agreed.

                🌌__Le time skip - brought to you by Zoe because she's lazy__🌌✩

        * Y/N'S pov * As I walked out of my last period, I turned my head to see where Y/F/N went when I saw C/N walking in my direction. My face scrunched up and I put my head down. Please talk to me. I thought as I skipped out of school. Finally, the day is- I started to think, but my thoughts got interrupted when I felt a hand on mine. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. It was C/N.  " Hey Y/N." He said and looked me dead in my eyes. " Hi." I responded dryly. Why is he acting like he didn't totally ignore my text? I thought. " So, I don't know if you know, but your spending New Year's at my house. " C/N said as he scratched his head. " Oh, okay." I said. Great, even more awkward moments. Universe, why have you forsaken me? I thought.

*C/N's pov*

     As I was walking out of class, I saw Y/N walking too. Since she was going over my house, I thought I'd walk with her. I also wanted an excuse to talk to her after.. you know. I grabbed her hand and told her that we'd be spending New Year's together. She didn't seem too happy. Why did I have to not text her back? I thought and facepalmed. Unfortunately, the rest of the walk was in silence. Instead of me telling her where to go. As we got into my house, time went by quickly. The next thing I knew, It's about to be 12:00. I'm gonna do it at 11:59. I mumbled to myself. I went on my phone, and kept checking the time. 11:59 hit and I knew I had to shoot my shot. " Y/N." I said. She looked up from her phone and tilted her head. " Yes?" She responded. " I like you too." I said nervously.

    * Y/N'S pov * I was on my phone, looking at self-care tips when C/N said  " Y/N." Confused, I looked up at him and tilted my head. " Yes?"  I responded. No way... I thought. C/N stared into my eyes and said: " I like you too." My eyes widened, my heart pace was beating so loud I could hear it, and feel it without touching my chest. In the background, I could hear the news reported saying " ..4, 3, 2" I leaned in, and he did too, pulling my face closer to his. I felt his lips crash into mine. As the news reporter says happy new year, C/N and I stop kissing. " That's why I never texted you back. I didn't want to lose you." C/N explained. " You'll never lose me." I said in response. We cuddled for the rest of the night, and I fell asleep in his arms.

     I can't wait for next year.

Authors notes-

Hey everyone! I wish you all great new years'! I'm so excited for 2020! Is there anything you would like maya and I to write about? Put it in the comments! Be amazing .

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