xviii. the hoax 2

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As time went on, C/N and you had gotten closer and closer. Like, really close. Almost like a real couple. You guys would hold hands, hug every day, and even kiss in school sometimes. Every time you walked in the hallway, C/N's ex would always glare at you like she wanted you to die. Yet, she broke up with C/N.

One day at lunch, you and C/N were sitting next to each other, and C/N asked you to go to the carnival after school. You said yes.

After school, you went home to go to change. The truth was, you had the biggest crush on C/N. I mean how could you not? You were fake dating him, and he was basically selling the fact that he was "in love" with you.

Anyways, you spent hours picking out an outfit. Finally, you decided with some ripped jeans, a blue crop top, and a white zip-up hoodie. Not too dressy. We're only going to a carnival after all. You thought.

C/N texted you saying that he was here, so you let your mom know you were going out. You got in C/N's car, and he started driving. "So Y/N... I think my ex gave up on trying to get with me." He said awkwardly. "That's great." You said boredly. You wondered why he was bringing this up, so you changed the subject.

Finally, you got to the carnival. "Okay so. Let's play the games first, and the rides last." You said. He nodded and agreed. First, you guys went to the water squirter. There was a huge teddy bear hanging off the strings. "C/N, please win me that!!" You said to him. He rolled his eyes and paid the man at the stand.

"You guys are a cute couple." The man running the game said. C/N and you exchanged glances. "Thank you, sir." C/N said nicely.

Your mouth wanted to fall to the floor. Usually, when C/N and I were alone, he would say we're just best friends. But now he says we're dating? Interesting. I just went with it. I watched him win every round until he racked up enough points to get the huge teddy bear for you. You smiled when he wasn't looking.

"Here you go." The man said. "Thank you, have a nice day." C/N responded as he handed you the teddy bear. You hugged it and him. "Thank you, Thank you, thank you!"

~ time skip to after they played games and went on other rides ~

C/N's eyes lit up when he saw you with the bear. You saw lights flashing, people laughing and you soon noticed it was a Ferris wheel. C/N noticed your face brighten when you looked at the marvelous ride.

"I know you want to go to the Ferris wheel." He said to you persuasively. " Can we go C/N? Pleaseeee!" you begged as you cuddled the pink stuffed bear. " Yeah let's go, I just wanted to see you beg me." C/N said while chuckling. You rolled your eyes and smirked and began to walk to the Ferris wheel.

You and C/N walked over to the ticket stand and got in a section on the Ferris wheel with about 20 other people. The wheel was gigantic, with led lights stripped around.

You and C/N are one spot away from the front of the line. You looked at C/N and wondered if he liked you. He smiled at you sweetly and grabbed a hold of your hand. You squeezed his hand tightly.

"Y/N you ready?" you smiled at him and walked over to the seat. You both sat down while someone strapped you guys in. You gasped when the ride began to move suddenly. C/N laughed at you and you slapped his arm, rolling your eyes. You arrived at the very top of the Ferris wheel when the ride came to a stop.

"Why'd we stop?! C/N, I'm scared of heights!" You said scaredly. "Y/N! You'll be okay, just look at me" C/N says as he wrapped his arm around your waist. You felt safe with him and just wanted to hug him and stay close.

"Hey C/N while we're up here, why didn't you deny that we were dating earlier?" I asked curiously. C/N looked taken aback. "Oh, that.." He started while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Well, we are dating, aren't we?" He continued. I lifted my eyebrows. "But I thought you didn't like me like that." You asked. "What if I did?" You scooter closer to C/N and looked into his eyes.

"Then I would tell you that I'm in love with you. I would tell you that I want to be with you and that nothing could change that. I'm in love with you C/N and not in a fake way." You said confidently. C/N pulls you closer to him and kisses you passionately.

He rubs his hands down your back and you feel like everything is right in the world. You felt like you were flying through the clouds and never wanted to come down.C/N breaks the kiss, and embraces your face. You feel the ride starts back up again.

You and C/N grin like idiots. C/N holds out his hand. "You wanna start over?" He asks. You smile and shake his hand. "Sure."

Just like that, your dreams came true. The right way this time.

AN: Maya finally helped me lol. *the disrespect🙄 -Maya* Anyways, is this good guys? Sorry it took so long lol, I procrastinated. Anyways, until tomorrow <3

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