xxvii. heather

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im moving these stories here from my newer crush x reader!

This is based on Conan Gray's song, "Heather."

I still remember, third of December. We were in math class, and I got chilly. I was sitting on my desk, and the teacher had gone to the bathroom. Everyone was talking. You sat right across from me. A soft breeze ran over the class like a blanket, lightly rustling my hair. As I rubbed my hands together, I caught you gazing at me, your eyes looking at me dreamily. You sat on top of the desk, hands in your pockets, your fluffy hair moving in the wind. You blinked, tapping me on the knee. I looked up, shyly, wondering what you needed.

"Do you want my sweater? You look cold." You asked, taking your hands out of your pockets. "No thanks," I asked, my cheeks slowly heating up. I was cold, but I didn't want to bother you. "Come on Y/N. It looks better on you than it does me." You said, taking it off, your shirt lifting up a little. "Okay.." I said, taking the sweater as you held it to me. I put it on, savoring the cozy cotton on the inside of the sweater.

Only if you knew, how much I liked you.

As I heard the door swing open, I saw you turn your head, and your eyes glisten as she walks by.

What a sight for Sore eyes...

You smiled as she walked by, ignoring me trying to say thank you. She walked in, smiling back, sweetly going to sit right next to you.

Brighter than a Blue sky.

Her eyes lit up as she started talking, the blue shining in the sunlight like diamonds. She's got you mesmerized. You turned around, not looking at me, but paying attention to her, while I die.

The next week...

"Why would you ever kiss me?" I started, hot tears streaming down my face, my eyes red. I was outside my home, yelling at you. You'd chosen me, over her.

"I'm not even half as pretty,"

I said, reminiscing on when Heather had stolen my spot at lunch, and after school. She was doing everything that you and I had done. And I was left out.

"You gave me your sweater."

I explained, listing the reasons why I think you and I had a chance. I thought you liked me. I really thought that we could be a couple. Thought wrong.

"It's just polyester." You replied, rolling your eyes. That broke my heart.

"But you like her better."

I said, telling the truth. Ever since she came into your life, I've been neglected and ignored.

"Wish I were Heather."

I said, walking up the stairs of my house, shutting the door, and closing my eyes. I ran up to my bedroom, and sobbed on my bed, ripping up everything you and I had. I took your sweater off of my hanger and threw it in the fire, watching it burn. I thought I could get over you, but it wasn't as easy as it sounds.

The next day...

I walked through the halls, watching her hold your hand and give you a kiss on the cheek. You put your arm around her shoulder, whispering into her ear. At this moment, I vowed to never talk to you, again. I was breaking you off from my life. But then again, how could you not date her? She's perfect.

How could I hate her? She's such an angel. She gets straight a's, and she's the perfect girlfriend.

But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she walks by...


I go to sit next to you at lunch, to see you and her, hugging and talking like you were best friends. A tear rolls down my cheek as I run away, dropping my tray on the ground. You looked at me, and I cry in the bathroom. Opening the stall door, I wipe my tears and look in the mirror.

"I wish I were.."

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