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Hey guys! So first of all, since I have 6k ( YAYAYA ) reads on this app, I feel the need to speak about BLM. As a POC, I feel it's disgusting that the cops are once again, killing us for NO reason. 

PLEASE try to donate if you can. Or sign a petition. Wattpad doesn't let me link some :(

If you believe that he was a criminal, or believe in "all lives matter", please kindly get off my page and stop reading my book. 

Trump is a terrible person that needs to get out of the office immediately. 

Second of all, I'm going to stop writing this book. As you all can tell, I don't post at ALL. Like at all. If you all have ANY more requests or ideas, please tell me so I can keep this Wattpad alive. 

Oh and before you go! If there's an army here, my friend and I are making a Jungkoook ff. Go read the first chapter! It's in my fanfiction reading list  :p

Stay safe everyone and good luck. You've got this :) 

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