viii. summertime dreams

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✩ A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. ✩

C/E/C: crushes eye color

It was like a dream.

        "I'm going to drown you C/N" I said while putting my hands on C/N's shoulders. He ways standing the perfect length away from me, so when my arms extended, they fit perfectly on his shoulders. They felt amazing there. "Catch Me If You can Y/N!" C/n said while swimming away. First, I could a black blur moving swiftly in the water.  I could It was the middle of summer, and C/N had a humongous pool in his backyard. Then, I couldn't see him at all. My heart rate sped up. Panic rose in my chest. I thought of diving in the water, but that wouldn't have done much. I can't swim well anyways. " C/N?" No answer. "C/N..." I said aloud.  The starry night sky made it hard because I didn't see much. I started to get scared. What if he drowned? Should I get his parents? I would never forgive myself if I let that happen to him. He's my best friend, my world. I turned my head left and right. Searching for something..anything..and nothing.

        Suddenly, I felt something cold under my knees and back. I get lifted into the air by something, and I look down to see C/N, carefully lifting me onto the stairs at the side of the pool. Thank god. I thought. " C/N! I was so worried! You stayed underwater for that long just so you could scare me?!" I exclaimed. He pushed me back so hard that he fell back into the water. I got a bit wet from the water splashes. I started laughing so hard and couldn't stop. I almost fell over. " Oh yeah, you think that's funny? Watch this Y/N." C/N said. I raised my eyebrows as a smirk fell on his face as he got out of the pool and jumped in like his legs didn't work. I was laughing so hard I almost fell into the pool. He swam towards me and pops up like a little kid in the 3rd grade. He stared into my eyes and just looked at me. I noticed how his C/E/C eyes looked so deeply into mine. Like he was all I wanted. Like he was in love. Why are you staring at me? I thought. My cheeks start getting hot and I start to smile and blush but try to hide it.

      " Why are you looking at me like that C/N?" I asked, curiously. "No reason, just.... I..... nevermind." I wish he'd tell me. What's so secret that you can't tell your best friend? We'd spent every day of summer together after all. "No, tell me." I insisted. C/N  " You always just say that your ugly and that you wished like someone else, but I don't get how someone as beautiful as you could ever say something like that about themselves. It's like do you not look in the mirror Y/N. I just wish you saw yourself the way I do."C/N said as he stared into my eyes. His gaze softened my eyes. I took a step closer to him. " If you like all those things about me, and think I'm beautiful, why didn't you just tell me?" I asked. " I didn't know how to. I always wanted to, but I never had the guts." C/N responded shyly. " Then why don't we just do this." I said as I hopped into the water with him and looked at C/N in his eyes. He looks in your eyes like he can look in them forever and never get tired of them.

        " There is nowhere else I would rather be than here with you. I run my hands through C/N's hair and pull him closer to my lips. I can feel our hearts connecting as one and the heat of his lips coming closer to mine. When we came together it felt like fireworks went off in my body. I wrapped my arms and pulled him to my body. He picks you up and you wrap your arms around his torso. I let go and he sets me down into the pool and we pull apart. I look at him and see his C/E/C soft eyes. " I wanna do that I again soon." C/N says and his voice is so relaxed and it makes me feel warm inside. We get out of the pool and C/N wraps a towel around the both of us and he held me tight and I think to myself. This is where I want to be.

   TYSM FOR LIKE 160+?!? I know I say that like every time but every time we post we get like 20+ reads soo. We're so grateful for you all! Till' next time! Also sorry it's so short lol.

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