iv. homecoming | maya

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Y/F/N: Your friends name
C/N: Crush name
Y/N: Your name

"Hey Y/N, do you wanna be in the performance for the homecoming football game." Y/F/N asks. "Sure, we can make sure that nothing bad happens like last year." you said. " Yeah, we do not need that happening again." Y/F/N says. You and Y/F/N walk down the hallway talking about the homecoming. You think about how people fell off of each other and people got hurt and the cheer team was the laughing stock of the school you started to get a little nervous. As you see C/N walking the opposite way of you and Y/F/N with his friends.Your heart melts and you wonder how someone can look so cute. You notice you separated from Y/F/N and you're staring. You run to catch up with Y/F/N and as your walking you you can't get his image out of your head.

                             ~next week~

You're walking to your locker to get books for your next class. You see C/N saying bye to his friends and walking towards you. You don't know what to do and you can feel your cheeks getting hot. You can feel your heartbeat getting faster and faster as he gets closer. You look him up and down and fall for him all over again. " Hey Y/N, I heard that your gonna be I'm the homecoming performance." C/N says. " Yeah, Y/F/N asked me if I wanted to do it last week. I just hope we'll be able to get done before Friday." you replied. As you and C/N keep talking you notice that his friends are still there staring at the two of you, and you wonder if they put him up to it for some practical joke. "Hey C/N, um I got to get to class. I will talk with you later though." you say. " Uh, ok I'll see you later Y/N." C/N yells after you as you walk away. You walk to class to see Y/F/N sitting down talking to some friends. You run up to her eager to tell her what happened. " Y/F/N, I need to talk to you!" you say eagerly. She says bye to her other friends and walks up to trying to figure out what happened by the expression on my face. " What happened with C/N?" she asks knowingly. " I was getting my books for class when I saw he walking up to me and I didnt know what to do, so I just stayed there looking at him, and as were were still talking I saw his friends just staring at us and I wonder if they put him up to it for some joke." you explain. " What I want you to do is to calm down, because he's coming in the room for class and don't show him that your worked up." Y/F/N says camingly.

We both sit down in our seats and I turn around to see C/N looking at me and gives a cute little wave. I wave back and then turn around in my seat. Why does he have to be so cute with his cute smile and dimples, smooth skin, good humor, I think to myself. Someone behind passees me a note and I opened it to find C/N's name written on the inside. He wrote: I know you saw my demons staring at us, but it wasn't like that, they were just pushing me to talk to you because I like you, C/N wrote. I look at the note in awe of what I just read. I wrote back on the note and have someone pass it back. It said: prove it to me on friday.

              ~Friday-Homecoming Day~

You and Y/F/N nailed you homecoming performance. You and Y/F/N are sitting on the bleachers watching the game. I knew he wasn't going to do anything. He doesn't like me. I think to myself. I hear screaming from the crowd and snap out of it and then it was halftime. I look at the field looking for C/N and he's looking for something. He looks at his friends like there planning something. C/N stands on a bleacher holding a megaphone. "Is Y/N here?" I look up from my phone shocked and I walk down to the bottom of the bleachers. His friends and C/N get in some sort of formation. They perform a cheer where at the end C/N holds up a sign that says Y/N I like you, Will you be my homecoming date!"
I look at the sign in shock and look at him and say, YES! "She said Yes!" he yells i'm the megaphone. He gives me his spare jersey and I put it on and for the rest of the game I never take my eyes off of him.

                        ~end of the game~

He starts waking up to me and just looks at me like he's so happy I'm his. My cheeks get hot and I'm starting to sweat. Omg I'm gonna pass out. How can someone be that cute? Is he walking in slow motion? I can't believe this is happening! I think to myself as I'm walking up to him on the field. We get to each other and he looks at me while I'm looking at him. He pulls me close for a hug and holds me. " Y/N you have no idea how happy I am to hold you in my arms." C/N says. I whisper to him " I've liked you for as long as I can remember, and I can't believe you're mine." He pulls me close and we kiss on the field and I want to be in his arms for the rest of the night. I look at my phone and see that it's 11:11 and I don't need to wish for anything, I already have everything I need right here.

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