v. the steak out | guest writer

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y/n your name

c/n crush name

y/b/f/n your best friend's name

c/b/f/n crush's best friend's name



C/b/f/n and I are walking down the hall to our next class. "I'm telling you this date is going to be fire. You should ask out y/n. It could be like a double date since I'm dating y/b/f/n." c/b/f/n says. "Nah I don't think I should intrude on your date." I reply. C/b/f/n gives me the look, "You're just chicken! You don't have the balls to ask her out. You've had a crush on her since middle school, what is there to lose?" There is a pause before I respond, "What if I mess up our friendship? What if she doesn't like me back?" I question. "But what if she likes you back? What if this takes your relationship further? You will never know unless you try. So I say you ask her out after class." C/b/f/n says. Wow, that was deep but I'm never going to tell him that, but I agree I will ask her out. "Ok I will do it, I will ask out y/n." I say. "Yess! Finally!" C/b/f/n shouts. And we walk into the classroom.

                      ~after class~

Y/n POV:

I'm talking to y/b/f/n when I notice c/n and c/b/f/n walking up to us. C/b/f/n takes y/b/f/n in their arms and kisses her on the cheek, "Excited for our date on Friday?" C/b/f/n says into y/b/f/n ear and y/b/f/n smirks and looks at me. C/n walks up to me and says, "Hey y/n do you want to go on a double date with me and those two lovers over there?" Is this really happening? I think to myself. "Yes! I would love to." C/n looked surprised but happy. "Ok cool. We will pick you guys up tomorrow at 6." C/n smiled and walked away.

               ~Friday 5 at y/n house~

*knock knock* I walk to the door and open it, y/b/f/n is standing there. She takes one at me and says, "that is what you are wearing to the date?!" She shrieks. "What is wrong with what I'm wearing. It's simple a crop top and jeans." I state. "Exactly simple. You don't want SIMPLE for a date come with me we are changing that outfit right now." Y/b/f/n grabs me by the hand and drags me upstairs. Y/b/f/n goes through my wardrobe. After 10 minutes of going through my stuff y/b/f/n throws an outfit at me (dress or skirt) and tells me to put it on. After I'm dressed we put on some light makeup, blush and lip gloss. We go downstairs to wait for the boys.

*knock knock*

I open the door and c/n and c/b/f/n are standing there holding a single (flower of your choice). "You look amazing y/n. Are you ready to go?" C/n takes my hand and walks me to his car while y/b/f/n and c/b/f/n get into a separate one. "Why are we getting into different cars?" You question. "You will see." Is all c/n says? You both drive to the diner while listening to music. You guys arrive and sit at a booth with y/b/f/n and c/b/f/n already there and of course they are kissing. "Um sorry to interrupt but we are having a double date if you don't remember?" C/n says. They quickly pull away and start looking at the menu. The waiter comes and asks us what we would like to order. "Would you like to share a (your choice) milkshake?" C/n asks you. "Ok." After the waiter takes your orders and walks away you and c/n start chatting and it started to seem as if you both began to get a little more touchy. You were talking about (fav hobbies, sports, tv shows). Then you started scooching closer to each other. Y/b/f/n and c/b/f/n finally join the conversation and switch the topic to school. During the conversation, c/n puts his hand on your knee slowly dragging it up your thigh. Your milkshake and (what food you want) arrives. You take the first sip from the milkshake and get whip cream on your nose, c/n chuckles and wipes it off with a napkin.

                       ~after eating~

You guys walk out of the diner and get into the two different cars. As I get in I notice y/b/f/n wink at me. "Where are we going?" I ask c/n as I settle into the car. "It's a surprise." C/n replies. "You've been saying that all night." "You just have to be patient." You both sit in silence until you drive up to a hill out looking the whole city with a bright view of the stars. "Wow, it's beautiful!" I say. "Not as beautiful as you!" C/n looks over at you, slowly leaning in. C/n getting closer and closer to your face. You close your eyes and soon feel the pressure of his lips on yours. It's electrifying! He pulls away and asks "y/n will you be my girlfriend?" C/n looks deeply into your eyes the glare piercing through you. "Yes, thousand times yes. I would love that." He kisses you again. Then c/n crawls into the back of the car and you follow. He pulls you closer and holds you tight, his fingers up and down your back.


You get a text from your parents: "where are you?"

You: I'm going to spend the night at y/b/f/n's house since it is so late."

Mom: ok have fun be safe

You continue to kiss c/n eventually falling asleep there gazing at the stars.

Hey guys! Today, Maya is in New York, so we had our best friend Basil write a story for us! Tell us down below if you want more of her stories! Also, thank you so much for 80+ reads! We've got so many in so little time! We appreciate all of you. - Co-author, Zoe.

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