vi. off the grid

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T/N: teachers name

C/N: crush name

Y/N: your name

Y/F/N: your friends name

C/F/N/ crush friends name

*Girl Y/N and boy C/N*

      " Ok class, I'm going to announce the cabin partners for the camping trip." T/N announced.

I hope I end up with C/N as my cabin partner, but there is no way T/N will let a girl and a boy sleep in the same cabin, we are sophomores after all." you told Y/F/N. " You never know Y/N." Y/F/N said. I look up at the teacher in anticipation waiting for them to announce the name.

*time skip*

       " I can't believe I actually got paired with C/N!" I whispered to Y/F/N as we wait for our next instructions. While waiting in the middle of all the cabins, I kept sneaking peeks at C/N. So cute. How does a person look like that? I think to myself gazing at him. " Y/N! Stop staring you look like a dog looking at a bone." Y/F/N says teasingly. " Ok everyone, get settled in your cabins and we'll start setting up for the campfire." T/N explains. I walk into the cabin to see C/N already unpacking. There were two table-like structures, with mattresses on them, and two nightstands. I walk over to the other bed and start taking out everything I'll need for the night. We're just silent in here and I didn't hope to be with him in here to be silent, but on the other hand, maybe he just wants some peace and quiet. Who gives me the right to bother him. I think to myself. " Maybe he just wants to be left alone." I say out loud by accident.

         I immediately realize what I've done and my cheeks start to get hot and I'm starting to sweat. "Um, who are you talking to?" C/N asks confusingly. " And who wants to be left alone?" C/N asks. I look at him blankly and try to think of another topic to talk about or to come up with a lie. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said it that loud just some family stuff, I was thinking about." I explain. Hopefully, he bought it. I think. "Isn't crazy, how T/N was putting some boys and girls together in a cabin. I never thought that would happen." I say to C/N. " Do you have a problem with it?" C/N asks. His tone was worrisome. I started to get nervous. " Oh, um, n-no, I-I don't mind at all." I said, looking flustered. I need to hurry up, I can cut the tension with a knife in here. I thought to myself. I glanced to my right, ( since my bed was on the left), and saw C/N staring at me. When I looked in his eyes, his face started to turn red, and his eyes grew wider. After a second of awkward staring, I turned my head away. "

         Soo.." I start. C/N turns his body towards mine as I sit on my bed. I finished unpacking, so did C/N. " Soo...?" C/N asked. It's never been awkward between C/N and I. We're besties. For some reason, it is. " Do you wanna come with me to eat? It's time for lunch." I said, to break the silence. " Sure." C/N said in response. C/N and I walk out the cabin door together. I look down and his hand is at his side. Come on Y/N. Be bold. I think to myself. I look at this hand, then him. I decided to go for it, and swiftly, but carefully grab his hand. I had caught him off guard. His head was low before, but it perked up. I looked at him, waiting for a reaction. Instead of turning his head, C/N tightened his grip. I tried to hold back a smile. Maybe he does like me. I thought. We walked in silence until we finally got to the door. C/N opened the door for me. " Thanks." I said. We both found a table next to Y/F/N, sitting right next to each other. After T/N gave a lecture about the cafeteria, we got our food and sat back down.

      " Soo, are you guys..?" Y/F/N asked as she poked at her food. C/N and I made eye contact, then shook our heads. I scoot a little closer to the edge of the seat. After what seemed like hours of discussing with C/N and Y/F/N, it was time for the campfire. Iconic. The three of us walked to the fire with everyone else. When we got to the blazing fire, everyone was there, waiting for us. As I looked around, I realized that Y/F/N had left. C/N and I were sitting on a log alone. When I turned my head, I spotted Y/F/N. They gave me the thumbs up. " Hey Y/N, do you have a crush on anyone?" C/N asks. He caught me off guard. We haven't talked one on one, since the ride on the bus. My head perked up, and I looked him straight in the eye. " Yeah, why?" I asked. C/N scratched his ear. " No reason. Just that I have a crush on someone, and don't know how to tell her." C/N responded.

     My heart took a dip. I went from happy and smiley, frowning and sad. C/N looked at me confused as a tear rolled down my cheek." Are you ok? Why are you crying?" C/N worryingly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think something flew into my eye." I respond. In reality, the boy that I've been crushing probably doesn't like me and that made my heartbreak. "I can get us some s' mores if you want." C/N offers. "Yeah, that would be great." I responded. At least I could eat my feelings away. C/N came back from getting s'mores and I can't stop thinking about who he likes. "Soo... who's the girl you like." I asked. "You'll find out, I want to ask her out tonight." He continued. She's here?! I've been in the same class as the girl he likes!? I think to myself. " Anyways what do you wanna do?" C/N asked. " I just want to sit and watch the fire." I said calmly. " Ok, well I'm gonna go talk with some people, is that ok?" C/N asked. "Yeah, you go ahead." I said while staring at the fire. I could feel my enjoyment of this trip fading away as I realized more and more that C/N doesn't feel the same way as I do.

I called over Y/F/N because I needed to talk to her. "Y/F/N!" I yell. She came, walking with a big smile on her face, and I knew was she expecting to hear some good news. "Hey Y/N, so have you and C/N made it official? Have you guys cuddled? Was there a kiss?" Y/F/N asks excitedly. " He told me he likes someone and that he plans on asking them out tonight." I say sadly. "Why do you sound so sad? That doesn't mean he doesn't like you." Y/F/N explains. " Don't lose hope Y/N."

     Y/F/N starts to get up when she notices C/N coming back over. " Remember Y/N you have to be cool, calm, and collected." I tensed up. It felt different knowing that C/N didn't like me. He walked next to me, and whispered: " Can you come with me?". My heart skipped a beat. Does he want to talk to me alone? No, you guys are besties, you've talked to him alone before. You think to yourself. You looked behind you, and saw that Y/F/N winked at you. " Sure." C/N held his hand out, I grabbed it.

    " So, how should I ask out my crush?" C/N asked. I groaned. Did he really make me come all the way over here, just to ask about her? I thought. " Be smooth, and romantic. Just be yourself." I responded, trying not to sound annoyed. " Can I practice on you?" C/N asked shyly. " Go ahead." I responded. " Y/N, I like you. I've liked you since I met you.  I want to always be in your life. To enjoy the little moments together. Go on little special dates and have the best times." C/N said while gazing in your eyes. I look into his eyes in shock and start breaking down in tears. " I was crying earlier because I thought you liked someone else and I couldn't stand the thought of someone else being yours other than me." You said. C/N pulls you close into a passionate kiss. It feels like fireworks just went off. We pull apart and see a shooting star pass. I pull him back and we kiss, I wish that I could be in his arms forever.

Hey guys. Happy new year! Thank you soo much for 100+ reads! We never thought this would happen! Shoutout to Naomi, and Cameron. Let's have a good 2020, shall we? - Zoe and Maya.

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