ix. study session

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      " Y/N." I felt a tap on my shoulder. Since I was sitting in the back of the classroom, I turned around. It was C/N. He looked cute. But why was he talking to me? " Yeah?" I asked curiously. Even though he was my best friend, I still get nervous talking to him. " Can you help me study after school, in the library?" C/N asked, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded. Yes! A chance to hang out with him... alone. I thought to myself.

~ ☆Le time skip - Zoe ~

     After school, I walked to the library. I saw C/N sitting there, playing in his hair while staring at nothing. I stood at the door for a while, just staring. Tears randomly started to well in my eyes as I came to the realization that he would never like me. I think C/N noticed that I was about to cry, so he came over to me and said: " Y/N what's wrong?". He put his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. " Nothing." I responded while wiping a tear from my eye before it trailed down my cheek.

     " Ok. Come on." C/N said and pointed his head towards the table he was sitting at. He's so sweet. I thought. As we sat down, I got some notes that I took out and placed them nicely at the table. I felt eyes staring at me. I glanced to my right, and C/N was looking at me. I ignore him and get a pencil out of my backpack. Still staring.. I thought. I grabbed my pencil and was about to start giving him some pointers on taking notes, and how to study when  C/N put his hand over mine. My eyes widened. I turned my head.

     " Y/N... I didn't ask you to meet me here so we could study." C/N said. "I just needed an excuse for you to come here, because...." I started to sweat and I felt it in my palms. I gulped and my mouth started to get dry, wondering what was going to come out of C/N's mouth. "I just wanted to tell you that I like you and I know that we're best friends, but when I'm with you I feel complete. I want to talk with you all day, hang out with you after school. You make me feel like I can be myself and that as long as I'm with you everything will be ok." C/N said. "How long have you felt this way?" You asked.

     "When our grade went on our first field trip and I spent the whole day with you, I knew I wanted you in my life forever." C/N responded. " I can't believe you feel this way. I always felt like you wouldn't be interested in me because, well I'm me. There isn't anything special about me." I explained. "Are you kidding, you're beautiful, sweet, considerate, generous, hard-working and so many other things. I'm lucky to even be part of your life." C/N explained. I stared into C/N's eyes.

    I leaned in, and we kissed. Softly, but still passionate. We were in a library after all. After we pulled apart, C/N said: " I love you. I'll always love you." I blushed. " I love you too." I said as he kissed me on the cheek.

   Finally, school comes in handy for once.

Hey! So uh, I've been super busy at school so sorry if I haven't been posting. Also PSA: get your education kids :). ALSO YALL ARE KINDA AMAZING LIKE DO WE HAVE 180+ READS AND SHOUT OUT TO ClarisseDuca FOR ADDING THIS TO HER READING LIST <3. Ok sorry for the caps I got super hype. Until next time- Zoe.

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