xi. netflix and chill

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       "Y/N, Do you wanna hang out today?" C/N asked. I was so entranced with his looks, I didn't even hear his question. " Wait, what did you say?" I said embarrassed. I looked around the classroom and rubbed the side of my neck. "Uhm, you want to come over today?" C/N explained as he looked into my eyes. Every time I looked at him, he was looking at me. "Um, I don't know if I can C/N." I said sadly. The truth was, I so wanted to hang out with C/N that day, but I had to babysit ( random child/animal). "Oh ok, sorry I bothered you Y/N." I watched as he walked away back to his friends. I could tell that his whole mood changed. He went from happy to sad. My face lit up when I thought of a way that I could go. I ran over to C/N with excitement running through my bones. I was only babysitting ( random child/animal) for a few hours right after school. Fortunately for me, it was a Friday and that school was ending around 1:00 today.

" C/N, I can come over around 3, if that's ok with you?" I asked happily. I was about 90% sure I was literally gleaming right then."Yeah, that's great. I'll see you there Y/N." I watched as he walked away and I could feel my cheeks blushing when I realized I probably looked like a creep watching him like this. All of a sudden Y/F/N ran up to me and I knew she wanted me to explain what just happened. "C/N asked if I wanted to hang out tonight and I said yes." I told Y/F/N, trying to keep a smile off my face. "OMG, Y/N, YOU'VE LIKED HIM FOR LIKE FOREVER!" Y/F/N yelled while we were walking out of 5th period. I quickly put my hand over her mouth. " Don't say that out loud! " I said to them.

After school, I got in my car, I drove to C/N's house. I hesitated to knock on the door but finally built up the courage to do it. I knocked on the door and I saw C/N wrapped in a towel and his hair was wet. My eyes widened. For as long as I've known C/N, I don't think he's ever been as cute as he was then. I couldn't stop staring. He has a six pack. I thought. My eyes trailed up and down his body " Sorry, I just got out of the shower." C/N explained. I think he noticed me staring. " Oh, it's fine." I said. It's totally not like I want you to keep your shirt off or anything.. I mumbled under my breath. " Huh?" C/n asked. I shook my head no. I ducked a bit as he let me in the front door. I tried to fan myself a bit because I felt like I was sweating bullets. I sat down on his couch. " So.. I'll be done in a few minutes." He said. C/N had to finish getting dressed. I decided to snoop around. When I heard him go all the way up the stairs, I got up and walked through the living room and into the dining room. I walked upstairs and when I noticed a room was lit with some Christmas lights and a little tv with some snacks. Under a blanket that was propped up with chairs. It was kind of like a fort. I gasped and was shocked at what I saw. I felt hands on my shoulders and turned around to see C/N staring into my eyes lovingly.

"I did this for you. I want you in my arms forever, and I want you to be in my life, so I can cherish you and make so many memories with you. We've been friends for a while and every day I start to fall for you even more. I love you Y/N." C/N says compassionately. Like earlier, he couldn't keep his eyes off me. I looked at his lips, and I instantly felt a pair of lips on mine. Our lips fell together in sync and I felt like I was flying. I moved my hands from my side, to around his neck, and he put his hands on my waist. We pulled apart and we stared into each other's eyes and I could tell we both wanted to be with each other in the moment forever. "I can't tell you for how long I've wanted my lips to touch yours and for you to say those words, and I can't imagine a more perfect way that could've gone." I said. We walked over to the blanket fort with pillows, sweatshirts, and blankets. He handed me one of his sweatshirts and I put it over my head and when I put it fully on, I saw C/N staring at me like he fell in love with me all over again. We went under the covers and we started to cuddle. I laid my head on his chest and started to drift to sleep, and I know that I went to sleep with a smile on my face. 

THIS IS CRAZY WE HAVE LIKE 328 READS AND WE JUST STARTED LAST MONTH AHHHHHH - Zoe. Ok bye! Also this one is soooo fluff so beware!

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