xix. cafe date

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   You were going on another trip to the cafe. Just one more latte. You thought as you strapped yourself into your car.

You drove to the local coffee shop, to get some caffeine in your system. You opened the door to your favorite store and went up to the cashier.

The cafe was a nice industrial place, with pillars everywhere. It smelled like coffee grounds and pine trees. A nice, nostalgic scent. You liked it because of the people there. They were so cheerful all the time.

   The cashier looked so cute. He had ( color ) hair, and ( color ) eyes. Just my type. His name was C/N. 

Hi! Can I get a ( drink of choice )?" You asked the barista nicely. "Sure." They said and winked. You started to blush a little.  He's so cute omg. You thought. 

    You sat down at a table and took glances at the guy making your drink. He would glance at you also. Finally, the drink was done, and it was perfect. 

The drink was blended perfectly. There was a perfect blend of sweet and bitter. The cream perfectly went with a smooth taste. It tasted like silk sheets on ice. 

  You smiled and took another sip. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that mysterious barista looking at you to see your reaction. 

  When you were about to throw the cup out, you see some writing on it besides your name. It was his number! Your mouth drops to the floor, and you write the number in your phone and save it as C/N. 

   You cheered in your head about getting his number, and you were about to walk out when you felt a hand touch your shoulder. it was C/N. 

   "Hey Y/N, would you maybe wanna go out sometime?" C/N asked. His apron was off, so he was probably on his break. 

    "Sure." You said. You kept it cool on the outside, but on the inside, you were super excited. 

this is pretty bad lol. also panda & peaches sorry for this it really sucks bc I was procrastinating all day bc of school but that's okayyyy!!! anyways, stay safe guys ! <3

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