xvii. the dressing room

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I was sitting at home, just chilling when I realized that I was running out of clothes. I decided to text C/N. Although I had feelings for her, she definitely didn't like me. So I tried to push my feelings down.

Y/N: Hey C/N. Can you help me?

                                                         C/N💕: Sure! With what?

Y/N: Okay, I need help shopping ;-;

                       C/N💕: Okay, meet me at the mall in 20.

Y/N: Okay!

Y/N, jumps out of her bed and walks to the bathroom to get ready. She made a weird face as her legs were numb from sitting on her bed for too long.

    C/N was a god at fashion. Every time she walked into a room, all eyes were on her. She even styled models.

   After I got dressed, I quickly got into my car and drove to the mall. I was wearing the most basic outfit ever; a white crop top and regular blue jeans that hugged my waist.

  While I was walking nervously, a girl caught my eye. She was wearing a white plaid blazer, with a black shirt underneath and matching plaid pants. She looked stunning.

  I focused my eyes to see who this very fashionable girl is and I noticed that it was C/N. I sighed and ran up to her.

   "Hey C/N!"I said and rolled my eyes, because she would always be the one who dressed the best between the two of you.

"A little too fancy, don't ya think?" C/N asked as she gestured to her outfit. "Nope. It suits you perfectly." I responded with a wink. I noticed that C/N cheeks tinted red for a while but the redness went away quickly.

"So where to?" C/N asked as her eyes wandered around the humongous building. " You're the expert here, I literally know nothing about fashion." I chuckled as I pointed to the bland outfit I had on.

" Okay, What about we go to...Forever 21?" C/N asked as she pointed to where it was. " I'll go wherever you take me." I said. Then I linked my arm around C/N's.

I noticed that she was surprised by the sudden action as she blinked a few times and looked at me weirdly. 'Dammit, I made it awkward' I thought. But as I was regretting my decision she grinned and started walking towards the store.

" Uhm, So where do we start?" I ask, looking at the clothes very nervously. " How about we start with.... Looking at bottoms?" She said pointing to the area of the store where bottoms would be sold.

C/N started looking at the bottom. " I got at least three bottoms here so I will pick three tops you can wear with each one of these." She said showing me what she had picked out.

  "Is something bothering you, Y/N?" She asked, trying to get me to face her. " Of course, Why would you think I wasn't okay?" I said slowly turning my head around to face C/N beautiful C/E/C eyes.

Time flew by and C/N had already picked the 3 outfits she had picked out for me to try on. We walked to the dressing room area and a lady with a Forever 21 badge stopped us. "How many?" She said pointing to the outfits C/N was holding in her hand. " Nine." C/N responded as she grabbed the plastic block that had the number 9 on the front.

We walked to the first dressing room we saw. C/N handed me the outfits and I had closed the door. I changed as C/N waited outside to see the first outfit she had picked out. Not longer than 2 minutes later. I walked out of the dressing room and gave a slow spin. " That looks good on you, It suits your personality." C/N exclaimed as she examined you by looking you up and down.

"What the f*ck? How does an outfit suit my personality?" I laugh as I cross my arms over my chest. "Don't ask questions and just listen to the expert." C/N said as a smile tugged at her lips.

"Yeah Ok, expert." I said closing the door once again. A few moments passed by and all I could think of was C/N. Everytime I thought of her my heart would burn and butterflies would surround my stomach.

I finished trying on the last outfit and I was planning to put back on my regular outfit so we could pay and get out of the store but C/N knocked on the door. I poked my head out to see her holding a red dress. I looked at the dress and back at her. "What?" I said confusingly. "I want you to try this on." C/N reached the dress towards my direction. I groaned and grabbed the dress closing the door.

I put the dress on and it showed my body shape. I wasn't curvey as C/N, but I looked pretty good. But as soon as I was about to zip it up at the side. The doorknob shook frantically. Then I heard C/N as she said something, but all I could make out was. 'Let me in! I wanna see..' I went to open the door and as soon as I did, C/N came and closed the door behind her.

The room was small and C/N was very close to me. I could hear her breathing. She pulled me close to her and I swear my heart skipped a few beats. As soon as I was about to speak she raised her finger to her lips to shush me. My whole face went red. C/N sighed and looked at me. My eyes met her eyes. Her eyes then fluttered to my lips. Then she pressed her lips against mine. I was shocked but then kissed back.

It was a soft passionate kiss. Her lips were so soft against mine. Her hands cupped my cheeks and I put my hands on her shoulders. Then we broke apart and she put her forehead on mine.

"I love you, Y//N."

"I love you too, C//N." I gushed.

Credits to my friend Zalex for helping me write this! I hope you like it :P

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