xii. hoodie

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It twas a cold night, After ( after school activity ) You decided to walk home alone. You'd been distracted with thoughts of C/N. Lately, You had developed a crush on them. It was hard for you to talk to them lately, but today was going to be different.

    You walked out the door to the front of your school, when you realized it was freezing cold, and sightly raining outside. Shoot. I don't have a sweater. You thought. You stood around, contemplating whether you should wait for the rain to end, or just go and face it. It could last all night. You mumbled to yourself. So, You decided to face the rain. You'd walked a couple of blocks when you heard someone yell your name.

   " Y/N!" They said. You turned around quickly. It was C/N. Just my luck. You thought. You plastered on a smile and waited for him to catch up. " What are you doing here?" You asked. C/N walked with you. " I had ( sport ) practice." C/N responded. You nodded. You noticed that out of the two of you, C/N had on a hoodie and a zip-up jacket over that. Just thinking about wearing it made you feel warm inside.

     " Y/N, You're shivering. Take my hoodie." C/N said as they took it off, and handed it to you. " Oh no, it's fine." You respond. C/N doesn't have to take care of me. You thought. " Please. I don't like to see you cold. I insist. " They said. You hesitated but took the hoodie. " Thanks." You said in response. C/N smiled. The hoodie was comfy and cozy, and it smelt like C/N. " Hey Y/N, this is where my house is, but keep the hoodie. I'll catch up with you tomorrow." They said. You said " Okay!", and walked all the way to your house.

     What a day.

First of all. HOW DID WE GET #5 AND SLIGHTLY BLOW UP ON WATTPAD??????? LIKE THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH WE LITERALLY STARTED THIS A MONTH AGO. Also, sorry this is so short, I wrote this on short notice. We love you guys so, so, so much! Thanks for the love and support. Be sure to keep voting. Bye! - Zoe

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