xiv. late nights

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AN: Okay so basically Maya and I have been procrastinating, I deleted a story we posted yesterday, i changed my username, and the cover to this story, Anyways, have fun!

You were at lunch, hanging out with Y/F/N. Suddenly, you saw C/N walking over. " Hey, there's C/N!" Y/F/N said, nudging you with their elbow. You glance for a second, and C/N was still walking to you, staring. Eventually, he sat down. " Y/F/N, can I talk to C/N alone please?" He said. You turn to Y/F/N and shake your head, thinking do not leave me alone with C/N!. But Y/F/N left, winking at you and going over to your other friend. " What's up?" You ask C/N. He says, " So, I need you to meet me at the park at 12 am, tonight." You raise an eyebrow. " Okay.., you could've just said that with Y/F/N sitting here." You say confused. He nods. " Dramatic effect." He responds.


You were so excited to meet C/N at the park. But, you had to sneak out because your parents were asleep. You had managed to get in your car, but you had to actually leave without making a lot of noise. Out of nowhere, C/N texted you.

11:45 PM, MONDAY

C/N😍: Hey Y/N, are you almost ready?

Y/N💗: Yep. About to leave. Are you there already?

C/N😍: Yep. I had to be early. See you there beautiful.

Y/N💗: Okay lol.


You closed your phone. C/N always played like that. You drove a short distance to the park, and saw a figure in a blue hoodie on the swings. They had a flashlight out. C/N. You think. You park, then run over, and hug him. He hugged back, tightly. "Hiii!" You say excitedly. He waved and smiled. " So, I have something to tell you." C/N says. " Go on..." You say while sitting on the other swing. The anticipation was killing you. What is it?! You wanted to yell, but kept it in your thoughts.

" I like you." C/N says. Your eyes widen. This is it. You think. " You lean in, and C/N puts his hand on your neck and pulls your forward. You kiss, then broke it. " I like you too." You confess. You two conjoin hands. " Do you want me to come with you home?" C/N asks. You nod.


" Goodnight Beautiful." C/N says smiling. " Good night." You say. You walk upstairs, get into bed, and go to sleep smiling.


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