xxv. moving day & 5k

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    Today was the day. My mom has been planning this for over a year now. I knew it would come some time, but never the exact date. I told all my friends, but to be honest, they all just forgot about it. But it was in the back of my mind for so long.

I started putting tape on a box full of my clothes. I tear dropped as I went over the tape with my hand for good measure. All the other boxes were getting loaded into the car. As I walked over to my desk, I saw a picture of C/N and I. I ran my finger over his face ( i know it sounds weird but yall know what I mean ) and wiped a tear off my cheek.

"Y/N come on! Please! I wanna go to this party." C/N pleaded to me with puppy eyes. "..Fine." I said as C/N dragged my hand towards the front door.

"Good time." I mumbled to myself, reminiscing memories. I suddenly heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I yelled to my mom as I ran downstairs and opened the door.

When I swung open the old, creaky door, C/N was there. There were tears in his eyes, and he looked really tired. "C/N? What are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged him. "I-I wanted to visit you before you left." He said, rubbing his eyes. "Sure. Come in." I said as I let him in the door.

We talked for a short while. Just discussing memories, and talking about the fandoms we were in. Soon, the time came for me to leave. "Y/N. Time to go!" My mom yelled from the car. A tear dropped from my eyes. C/N lifted my chin up. "Hey. Don't cry. We'll see each other again." I nodded.

"I also wanted to give you this before you left." He declared. C/N dug in his jacket pocket and brung out a box with a necklace in it. He handed it to me. "Thank you so much." I said as I hugged him, crying into his jacket. "I love you so much." C/N whispered into my ear. "I love you to the moon and back." I whispered back. We ended the hug. I gave him a sad smile.

"Guess I gotta go." C/N said sadly. "Bye." I said, looking into his eyes. Suddenly C/N leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. "Bye." I grabbed my suitcase in shock and got into the car to leave.

Once we got to the airport, we went through security, ate, and waited for the people to call our flight. I looked through my pictures of C/N and me through my phone. "Flight 098, please start boarding." The voice-over said through the speakers. My mom and I stood up to go to our flight when I heard someone call my name. I stood up and saw C/N.

I sprinted all my legs could run and jumped on C/N, practically hugging him to death. We both fell to the floor, laughing. As we got up, I said "What are you doing here?". C/N looked in my eyes and replied: "I'm moving with you." 

WOWOWWOW 5 K SO FAST OMGGG!!! I literally can't ask for more from you guys. I love you all so much. Thanks for supporting me and my books :) . By the way, I'm still doing request! Till next time. 

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