iii. spin the bottle | zoe

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A/N: everyone will be referred to they, or them! :)

Flashback- " Y/N, Don't you think C/N is cute? I would date them over anyone in our whole grade." Y/F/N said as we walked out of school. There is no way they have a crush on them I thought to myself.

End of flashback.

            My phone buzzes. I stop combing my hair and check my messages. It was a text from Y/B/F. It said, " Did C/N invite you to the party?". I respond with " Yeah, I'm guessing you got invited." I respond. They didn't answer after that. I finished untangling my hair and diffusing it,  I go to my room to put on an outfit. Today, this year's best party was happening, and I got invited. I put on a red shirt, and white ripped jeans. Basic? I know. I slipped on some black, chunky boots, and head out the door. I already let my mom know I was leaving, and she wasn't home anyway. Business trip. I play with my curls as I wait for the uber I ordered.

Time skip - Zoe

       When the uber dropped me off, I walk up to C/N's house and knock on the door. I could hear the music blasting from the car. C/N opens the door with a grin. They were one of my best friends, aside from Y/F/N.

        " Y/N!" C/N yelled as they picks me up from my waist and twirls me around. They were so cute. Then, they pull me into a tight hug. " Hi!" I say in response. " You didn't tell me you were coming!" C/N says. " Sorry, I was busy getting ready!" I say. As I look around. It looks like everyone is there from our grade. I spot Y/F/N and tap their shoulder. Instead of giving me a hug, or even saying hi, she gave me the up and down ( when someone looks you up and down), then walked away. I think this is her way of saying she doesn't want to be friends anymore. I think to myself. I wonder why. A few minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and it was C/N.

       " You wanna play spin the bottle with us?" They ask.  " I don't know.." I say in response. " Please.." They said and made puppy eyes. I groan. They interlock our hands, as they lead me upstairs, into a room filled with people sitting criss-cross, in a circle. An empty coke glass was in the middle. Two people whom I don't know made room for C/N and I. We si=t next to each other, still holding hands. Without talking, some dude spun the bottle. As it slows down, I pray to myself that it wouldn't land on me. My eyes widen, when I saw it lands on Y/F/N, and C/N.  When I look over, I see Y/F/N, staring at C/N, smirking. A couple of years back, Y/F/N had told me that they had a huge crush on C/N. So did I. I felt my heart break into a million pieces. My crush was forced to kiss my best friend. As tears start to well in my eyes, C/N and Y/F/N started to lean in. I can't take it anymore, so I get up and walk off. As I'm making my way in the kitchen, I feel a hand on my wrist. I swing my body around. I could feel a tear stream down my face. It's C/N.

    " What's wrong Y/N?" They ask. " No, it's fine. You like her, you guys would be a cute couple." I say. " Just because we kissed in spin the bottle, doesn't mean I like her." C/N explains. I spot Y/F/N walking towards C/N. I tapped C/N on the shoulder, they turned around. Suddenly, I feel a pair of lips on mine. Shocked, I kiss them back. We pull away after a few seconds. " I like you Y/N, and only you." He says. I wipe the tear from my face. " I like you too."  I say. " Let me take you home." C/N says. I nod.

time skip- Zoe

When we're outside my front door, we hug, and he says goodnight. I also get a text saying that Y/F/N has blocked me. I don't even care. As I lay in bed, I dream about C/N, with butterflies in my stomach.

Hey guys! Zoe here. So Maya and I are going to try to make 2 stories we made ourselves on the week, and 1 co story on the weekend

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