xxiii. the forbidden kiss

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        I suddenly heard a noise coming from my bedroom. I quickly got a bat from the side of my bed, and sat up, just in case. I slowly sat up and walked towards my little window. The shadows on my doors, and pillars making odd shapes. I looked down, at a huge lump on the floor. It was peculiar. I poked it, just to see what would happen. It stood up and screamed. We screamed in unison.

"C/N?!" I whisper-yelled. "Yes?" He asked and smirked, sitting on my bed. "What are you doing here?" I asked, panicked. If my parents ever caught a boy in my room, I'd be toast. "I came to tell you something." C/N said. I sat on my bed, intrigued. What did he have to ask me? Have many guards I had? How old are my parents? If I wanted to kiss hi-. Keep it together Y/N. I thought, staring into space. "Y/N. I think I'm in love with you." C/N said, staring into my eyes.

C/N and I had been best friends since we were babies. I'd fallen for him a long time ago. I never thought in a million years that he'd feel the same way. I panicked. I didn't know what to say. He caught me so off guard. My brain was about to explode - "Get out." I said, a tear falling off my face. C/N's jaw dropped. More tears fell down my face, realizing what I had said. I didn't mean it. C/N quietly nodded and snuck down the ladder, as I cried myself to sleep.

The next day was the day that I chose a prince to marry. I could name so many bad words for it, but I would be talking for hours if I did that. I tightened the corset of my gold ball gown, making it fit just right. "You look, beautiful darling." My handmaiden said. I smiled at her. Inside, I was dreading going to that ball. After last night, I don't know if I'll ever be able to face C/N again. My parents didn't exactly... love C/N. They liked him, but they thought he wasn't the best choice.

I walked into the talking room, filled with chatter, and laughter. As soon as I walk in, everyone turns to stare at me. The women gasp, and the men's jaws fall. I look down and sit in my throne in the front of the ballroom.

Suddenly, father says "Let the dance commence!". I hate this so much. I thought. Real talk, I didn't want a prince at all ( unless it was C/N ). All the princes at the ball were sexist, disruptive, or were only in it for the money. Except for C/N. I'd danced with about fifty boys until someone tapped my shoulder.

"May I have this dance?" They asked, I turned around, and stiffened. C/N. I thought. C/N bowed and kissed my hand. As we danced, we talked, "I'm so sorry Y/N. I shouldn't-" He started. "C/N, it's my fault-" I said. "No, I should've respected your space as a princess." He said. "C/N. Let me talk." I said to him. That shut him up.

"The reason why I kicked you out last night was that I didn't think you would ever like me. Because I love you too." I said. My eyes widened. I can't believe I just said that- I thought. C/N smiled. "I'm choosing you. Whether my parents like it or not." I say and smile. After the dance was over, C/N and I hugged tightly, as we couldn't show any type of affection to each other. Not in public at least.

Everyone kneeled to me, as I walked to my throne, and said what I had to say. "I've chosen C/N as my prince." I declared. People gasped, many were wide-eyed, but C/N was smirking.

After the ball, C/N carried me bridal style to my room and sat me on my bed. "Goodnight my prince." I said, smiling. "Good night princess." He said as he kissed my cheek and left the room. 

AN: sorry I wasn't like, updating but... WE HIT 4K WOWOWOWOWOW TYSM ILY SM LITERALLY TY FOR MAKING MY QUARANTINE BETTER IN EVERY WAYYY. On another note, this story is so cute, I literally wish. Also, keep commenting! It motivates me to keep writing when you comment! Stay safe everyone <3, till next time :)

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