Yes, its nice to meet me

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Wayne's POV:

It's been almost a month since I discovered this girl on a DVD. I've never met her before but I'm super nervous. I mean I want to sign her so badly but how do I approach her? She is like a rap goddess, just simply amazing. Thats only how I know her from the dvd though. She sounds AMAZING and when she changes the tone of her voice I just die and go to heaven or something. I haven't met this girl yet and I already like her.

Nicki's POV

Two hours to go until I meet one of the greatest rappers in the world. Lil Wayne. I'm so nervous. Why does he want to meet me? Why me specifically? Does he want something from me? My thoughts were interrupted by my roommate and best friend, Sherika. "Ready to go?" She asked. "Yeah, nervous but ready." I said walking through the door. Its now or never

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