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Annette decided to take her granddaughter out to the park and spend some one on one time with her before the little family would have to leave later that night. Rebecca and Colby took the time to stop by Ken's house and spent a few hours with him before making their way to Ryan and Katie's house to meet their new addition.

Colby sat on the couch next to Ryan as he watched Katie place the newborn in Rebecca's arms gently
"Say hi to Aunt Rebecca" Katie said as she sat down next to her friend
"Hi Ollie" Rebecca said with a smile "You're so much bigger than my Ella was" she shook her head
"It's crazy to think if she was born full term she would have been this big" Katie shook her head
"She didn't get to be in newborn size clothes until she was almost a month old" Rebecca informed

They stared at the baby for a few more moments before he began to fuss and Rebecca stood up and began walking around the room
"Look at you" Ryan said with a smile "It's like you've done this before" he said and Rebecca smiled as she gently patted the baby's bottom and he quieted quickly
"You're so cute" Rebecca said as she looked down at the baby and then over to Colby who just smiled at her

After visiting for another hour the couple decided to bow out and allow the new family time alone that they hadn't had in the last few days.

They made their way to the park where Annette was watching Ella kick the soccer ball around. They relieved the grandmother of her duties and took over her spot as they watched their daughter.

"You gotta admit, as far as sports go.. I don't think either one of us would have ever thought soccer would have been what she went with" Colby spoke up and Rebecca shook her head
"Speaking of" Rebecca started and he looked over at her "We had a talk a few days ago" she said and he nodded "She wants to wrestle" she admitted and she braced herself for his reaction
"She does?" he questioned and she nodded as she looked over at him and then back at the little girl
"She wants you to train her" she said and his eyes widened
"Absolutely not" he shook his head
"I already told her she could do it if she could answer every question I asked her.. I grilled her and she had an answer for everything, she's serious about this.. it's not just some phase.. she has thought about this for a long time"
"She'll get hurt!" he exclaimed
"I told her that, she doesn't care" she shook her head
"That's my little girl.. I'm not going to be able to watch her do this" he shook his head
"She needs you" she said and he looked her in the eyes "She needs you to teach her and guide her and show her the right way to do things.. she needs us to teach her everything so she doesn't get hurt.. would you really trust somebody else training her?" she questioned and he immediately shook his head "Exactly" she nodded "You have to train her"
"Ya know" he took a deep breath "When we found out we were having a girl, I said I wanted a miniature version of you and she is turning into a mini you more and more every single day.. I'm beginning to regret that statement" he said
"You talk all the time about legacy.. that's going to be your legacy, she's going to be our legacy" she said and he shook his head
"That's a lot of pressure to put on her" he admitted and she nodded
"I know" she said "but I want her to be prepared for all of the pressure that's going to be put on her from other people" she said and he nodded

They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Rebecca spoke up again
"You looked cute with Ollie today" She admitted with a small smile and he looked over at her
"It's been a long time since I've held a baby that small.. overwhelming to say the least" he said
"Make you nervous?" she asked with a laugh and he nodded
"Extremely" he said "but watching you get him to quiet down almost immediately" he smirked
"It's that motherly touch" she smiled
"I gotta admit it made me miss having a baby around" he said with a shrug
"Then let's have another one" she said and he laughed but immediately became silent when he realized she was just staring at him
"Oh you're serious" he said and she nodded
"I've thought about it a lot lately"
"Why haven't you talked to me about it?" he questioned and she shrugged
"I didn't think you'd feel the same way" she said quietly
"You didn't think I would want another kid with you?" he asked with a laugh "I would give you 20 kids if it would make you happy"
"Let's not get that carried away Lopez.. Maybe we start with just one more then we can talk about adding more later" she said and he nodded
"We're seriously going to have another baby?" he asked and she nodded and he placed a kiss on her lips
"Baby Lopez number two" she said with wide eyes and he shook his head with a laugh before kissing her once more

 Maybe we start with just one more then we can talk about adding more later" she said and he nodded "We're seriously going to have another baby?" he asked and she nodded and he placed a kiss on her lips "Baby Lopez number two" she said with wide e...

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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays friends! Thank you all so much for the support on this book! I've loved writing every single chapter and I can't wait to show you what's next!

Our Accident - Becky Lynch & Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now